Home » Throat Cancer Treatment Cost in India | Best Doctors for Throat Cancer Treatment

Throat Cancer Treatment Cost in India | Best Doctors for Throat Cancer Treatment

by Dev Pawar

Cancer is a condition that impacts the life of an individual in many ways. Not only physically but mentally it can be very hard to tackle things with this condition.

Cancer of different types is related to different symptoms and it is important to pay attention to symptoms for getting better treatment

Throat cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the throat or in the vocal cords of the throat. The types of throat cancer are different and can have different symptoms. Good diagnosis can help in getting a good recovery. 

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In this blog we will talk about some of the most effective ways of treating throat cancer along with symptoms and types. You will get good knowledge and insight upon throat cancer after reading this blog.

Introduction Throat Cancer

Introduction Throat Cancer

The main symptoms of throat cancer are shared in this section and one can check it out. The main symptoms of throat cancer are as follows in the points and it is good to check them for better diagnosis.

  • Cough is associated with throat cancer.
  • Voice can change and it can be affected by cancer.
  • Soreness in the throat may occur.
  • Lumps in the throat can be felt.
  • Pain in the ear can also be felt.
  • One may have some difficulty in swallowing.
  • Weight loss is also associated with this.

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By early detection of symptoms one can have a good diagnosis. It is better to consult a doctor after noticing any of these symptoms.

Throat cancer types

There are different types of throat cancer and it is good to understand them. The main different types of throat cancer are shared as follows.

Throat cancer types

  • Supraglottic cancer is a type of throat cancer that occurs at the top of the vocal cord. It can affect the epiglottis too.
  • Subglottic cancer occurs at the lower part of the voice box .
  • Hypopharyngeal cancer is the type of cancer that is associated with the lower part of the throat.
  • Nasopharyngeal cancer takes place in the part of the throat that is behind the nose.
  • Oropharyngeal cancer is related to cancer that happens behind the mouth and it includes tonsils too.

These are different types of throat cancer and they require specific medications and treatment.

Throat cancer diagnosis

Diagnosis is done in different manners. It is good to consult specialists for effective diagnosis. The ways to diagnose are-

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  • Imaging tests like MRI, CT scan and PET scan are very crucial and they can help in diagnosis.
  • The tissue sample from the throat can be taken too for diagnosing it.
  • Endoscope can help in diagnosis of throat cancer as it can help in better view.

A doctor may diagnose  by suitable method according to requirements.

Treatment of Throat Cancer

Treatment of throat cancer revolves around different techniques. The methods of treatment of throat cancer are discussed as follows.

Treatment of Throat Cancer

  • Surgery can be performed by a doctor and it can depend upon the needs of the individual. Removal of specific parts can also occur in surgical procedures.
  • Radiation therapy is a method in which the beam is given to kill the cancerous cells. It is a helpful way of treating throat cancer.

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  • Chemotherapy helps by using  chemical drugs to deal with cancer cells.
  • Immunotherapy and targeted therapy is also a known way of treating throat cancer.

Treatment of throat cancer is to be taken under the supervision of a good doctor. The treatment method is decided by the doctor on the basis of the patient’s condition.

Throat cancer complications

The complications that can be felt by a patient are shared as follows and one can check them.

Throat cancer complications

  • Hardening of the neck can occur.
  • Speaking ability can get affected.
  • Spreading of cancer in other areas may occur.
  • Swallowing can get difficult.
  • The path of air may get obstructed.
  • It can affect physical health a lot.

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All these are the complications of throat cancer and one should contact a doctor for treatment to avoid future complications.

Prognosis of throat cancer

Throat cancer is of many types and it is important to get the consultation of a doctor for treatment. The treatment can vary accordingly.

Better diagnosis can help in early treatment. Some caring tips can help in better recovery. Lifestyle modifications can help a lot.

Risk factors of throat cancer

The risk factors of throat cancer are discussed in this section and you can check them out.

Risk factors of throat cancer

  • Tobacco is the main leading risk factor of cancer that happens in the throat.

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  • Alcohol use to a large extent is a risk factor too.
  • Reflux disease is associated with it too.
  • Poor diet can trigger throat cancer.
  • Some viral infections are related to throat cancer.

It’s better to avoid the poor lifestyle and bad habits for sustaining a better life.

Side effects of throat cancer

The side effects of throat cancer and its treatment are discussed as follows.

  • Swallowing problems.
  • Speaking problems can occur.
  • Pain in the neck .
  • Dizziness may happen.

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  • The overall quality of life may get impacted.

Pre or post care of throat cancer

Care is to be done so that recovery can happen fast. For preventing it some points are to be followed too. Consider pre or post care tips for throat cancer.

Pre or post care of throat cancer

  • Avoiding smoking is a good thing and it should be done for decreasing chances of throat cancer.
  • After treatment or during treatment one needs to avoid alcohol.
  • Infections are to be taken care of. Follow good hygiene.
  • It’s better to stay in touch with a doctor to  follow all instructions.

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Take care of yourself and eat well. By maintaining a good lifestyle changes if this can be decreased.

Treatment Cost of Throat Cancer

The cost of throat cancer in India may vary according to the location of the patient. The main cost may fall in Rs 2,00,000 to Rs 8,00,000.

Treatment Cost of Throat Cancer

The factors that determine the cost of throat cancer in India are the fee of the doctor, Surgery cost, medicines, etc. Choose a specialised doctor for better recovery from throat cancer.

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