Home » Colon Cancer Treatment Cost in India | Best Doctors for Colon Cancer Treatment

Colon Cancer Treatment Cost in India | Best Doctors for Colon Cancer Treatment

by Dev Pawar

Colon cancer is a type of cancer which begins with the development of  the non cancerous polyps first. This cancer develops in the colon of the inner lining. Types of cancers vary and the treatment also hence varies accordingly. Cancer of the colon if left untreated  can take the form of very hazardous problems.

We will discuss colon cancer which is mostly found in people over 65 but the patient’s age can vary in different cases. All the things are going to be discussed in the following sections.

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Colon cancer is curable. Thanks to science and innovation. Many of the deadly diseases if diagnosed in an earlier stage can be treated well. Let us begin our discussion about colon cancer treatment and its cost in India.

Colon cancer - How is it caused?

Colon cancer – How is it caused?

Our body remains functional when our cells repair and die. The overproduction of cells is injurious. Cancers are caused because of the group of cells which fails to die. They slowly become injurious.

Colon cancer is also formed because cells start grouping up near the colon region. The cluster of cells becomes harmful. The polyps that become create trouble.

It is necessary to stop the clustering so that cancer does not spread to different parts of the body. It is advisable to get diagnosed as soon as the symptoms appear so that one can get proper treatment. Lifestyle that makes people more prone to colon cancer.

These factors are to be considered due to which some people become more prone to the development of colon cancer-

  • Inheritance can play a vital role.
  • Smoking can also be a factor.
  • People who consume more alcohol also become prone to this.
  • Obesity can also be a factor due to which one becomes more prone to having colon cancer.
  • If someone in the family has a previous history of polyps then also it can make them prone to colon cancer.
  • People suffering from bowel disease become more prone to colon cancer.

Have a look at : Colorectal Cancer Treatment

These were the reasons which affect or become the cause of colon cancer. Thus it is always advised to keep a check and maintain good health.

Introduction Colon Cancer Treatment

Introduction Colon Cancer Treatment

Symptoms of colon cancer

Now let us discuss the symptoms associated with colon cancer. Someone suffering from colon cancer may have symptoms like –

  • Changes related to  bowel habits. Keep a check on  bowel habits.
  • Blood in the stool can also be a symptom associated with colon cancer.
  • Frequent abdominal pain is also to be noticed.
  • Weight loss can be another symptom. If one is not trying or not following a diet routine for weight loss and still facing weight loss then it can be a reason for worry.
  • Shortness of breath can also be a symptom of colon cancer.
  • Fatigueness is also felt if someone is suffering from colon cancer.
  • Vomiting is also a symptom of colon cancer.

All these are a few main symptoms associated with colon cancer. One needs to keep a check on it.

Diagnosis of colon cancer-how is it diagnosed?

There are mentioned a few ways in which colon cancer is diagnosed. One can check the following points-

  • Colon cancer can be diagnosed with x ray.
  • Colon cancer can be diagnosed with a complete blood cell test.
  • Colon cancer is diagnosed by a computed tomography scan i.e a CT scan.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging or MRI can also be performed.
  • CMP or comprehensive metabolic panel is also performed.
  • A PET scan is also a method of diagnosis. PET scan is referred to as positron emission tomography.

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These were few methods of diagnosis by which colon cancer is diagnosed.

Colon cancer treatment options

Now let us discuss what are the various treatment options of colon cancer. Consider these points-

Colon cancer treatment options

  • Colon cancer can be treated with colon resection surgery.
  • Polypectomy can also be performed.
  • Radiofrequency ablation can be performed as well. Heat is used in this treatment.
  • Therapies can be combined with these surgeries such as chemotherapy etc.

These were few treatment plans.

Treatment of Colon Cancer

Surgery is considered as the best option in India. Best hospitals for treatment of colon cancer as described as further-

  • Apollo hospital.
  • Max healthcare.
  • Fortis healthcare.
  • Blk hospital.

Cost of colon cancer in India varies from Rs.2,50,000 to Rs.5,50,000. It may vary from hospital to hospital. Some drugs and medications that are used in colon cancer are as follows-

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  • FU-LV.

Complications of colon cancer

Complications are discussed further-

Complications of colon cancer

  • If left untreated then this can be hazardous.
  • Spreadness can take place.
  • Blockage can happen.
  • Bowel obstruction can take place.
  • Cancer can return to the colon in specific cases.
  • Bleeding is not a common complication so one needs to get it checked.
  • Chronic diarrhoea.

Pre/post care for colon cancer

One needs to have a balanced diet and one should not consume alcohol or tobacco. Post care of colon cancer needs to be done wisely. Follow the following steps-

Pre/post care for colon cancer

  • One needs to visit a doctor for follow up sessions.
  • One needs to take care of the bleeding if it occurs then consult a doctor.
  • Eat smaller meals after the operation.

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  • Avoid  raw meals directly after operation.
  • Dairy products are usually avoided.
  • Low fibre diets are advised.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Avoid pasta etc.

All these things are needed to be taken care of for good health.

Good diet for a good colon

It is always advised to take care of your colon beforehands for not having these types of complications later. Include these things in your diet for healthy colon-

Good diet for a good colon

  • Include oatmeals.
  • Include brown rice.
  • Quinoa is great too.
  • Leafy green vegetables are super good.
  • Broccoli is good  too.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Fibre rich diets are always advisable.

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One can take small steps and one can definitely have good physical health. Nowadays the major issue is with our lifestyle.

We should try focusing on what we eat and how our inner body is functioning. By focusing and paying attention we can definitely live a high quality life.

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