Home » Tremor Treatment

Tremor Treatment

by Anjita Yadav

Tremors can be caused due to many reasons. Tremors are the involuntary movement of hands. It can occur any time of the day. It is not the same as muscle spasm and muscle twitch.  Tremors can take place at any limb or at any part of your body 


A shaky movement is associated with this and the shaky movement of hand is often recognised with tremors.  Traumatic brain injury and strokes are some of the reasons for tremors. Anxiety can also be a cause of this.

We will discuss more about hand tremors in the following sections and we will try to discover how it can be treated and what are the possible risk factors associated with tremors.


Introduction Tremor Treatment

About Disease

About Tremor Treatment


Symptoms may vary according to the type of tremor . The most common type of symptoms that are associated with this are as follows-

  • The shaking may begin with the hand.
  • The movement of the head in a single direction may happen.
  • Emotional stress may happen along with it.
  • A feeling of restlessness .
  • Movement may get worse.

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Types of tremors

There are many several types of tremors are the most common types of tremors are shared as follows in this section-

  • Essential tremors are sometimes associated with Parkinson disease and it can also be caused due to any medical history. It originates from bilateral tremor which means both sides of the body may feel this.
  • Psychogenic tremor may be caused due to any psychological condition. Any of the psychological conditions can lead to this tremor and one may feel other bodily symptoms along with this.
  • Dystonic tremor is related to muscular problems. The muscle contraction may cause this. It can be caused due to bad posture. It can happen at any age.
  • Cerebellar tremor is a tremor that is caused due to malfunctioning in the cerebellum. It may affect posture.

Some other types of tremors such as orthostatic, physiologic , dystonic tremor may also be present .

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Diagnosis of tremors

Sometimes tremors may come and go and they may not underlie some serious conditions but in some cases they may reflect some serious conditions such as disorders related to the brain or nervous system.


The diagnosis can be done via all these manners-

  • Blood and urine tests may be done to diagnose tremors.
  • Thyroid disease may also be checked for diagnosing these.
  • Neurological tests are performed which may test reflexes, muscle tone, ability to feel the touch.
  • Physical tests are often helpful in diagnosing tremors. Doctor may check the affected area.

All these tests may help in determining whether someone is suffering from any serious kind of disease or not.

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Treatment of Tremor


There are few ways in which tremors are treated. The possible ways of treating tremors are shared as follows-

  • Medications are given to the patient. The medications may be of beta blockers that help in reducing bp and that help in decreasing the tremors.
  • If the tremors are induced by anxiety then tranquillisers may be given to reduce the tremors.
  • Tremors affecting the face and head are treated by botox injections .
  • Physical therapies are helpful in treating tremors.
  • Deep brain stimulation is the way in which impulses are sent to the brain to stop tremors.
  • Hifu may be performed for avoiding surgery and for treating essential tremor. 

In all these ways tremors are treated. The ways of treatment may vary and one may need to get properly diagnosed for having a good treatment.

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Prognosis of tremors

On the basis of the type of tremors and the diseases related to it , if the tremor is diagnosed then it can be cured with efficiency.

Although some tremors may not be related to any serious illness, they may go on their own.

One should take proper action against the tremors and one should indulge in physical activities or exercises to reduce the tremors. Noting the triggering event of tremor can help too.

A proper diagnosis can help in dealing with this.

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Complications of tremors

It is best to treat and find the cause of tremor as soon as possible. The main possible complications of tremors are as follows-


  • It may worsen the underlying disease if left untreated.
  • It may reoccur often.
  • The intensity may increase.
  • Body movements may get affected.
  • Emotional outbursts may happen.
  • Tiredness may accompany.

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Side effects of tremors

The treatment of tremor may cause some side effects which are shared as follows-

  • The medications may cause nausea.
  • The medications may cause headaches.
  • Physical therapies may alter the schedule of life.
  • Exercise for tremor may induce a bit of pain.

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Risk factors of tremors

The possible risk factors of tremors are as follows-


  • Age is the possible risk factor.
  • Altered genes may cause tremors.
  • Brain related disorders may cause tremors.
  • People with anxiety are at high risk.

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Pre or post care of tremors

Care is to be taken properly. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, good weight and keeping check on previous family background can help you in preventing.


After treatment the care can be taken in ways-

  • Medications are to be taken at times.
  • Stress and anxiety is to be avoided.
  • Exercises are to be done properly.
  • Posture is to be maintained.

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Treatment Cost

Treatment Cost of Tremor


Hifu treatment may be given to patients in which the abnormal signalling is treated in patients.

The cost of hifu in India may depend on the condition of the patient and on the location too. This treatment may not be possible in every part of India.

Thalamus hospital in Siliguri may provide many great options. One can consult a skilled doctor for having all the possible treatment options.

A doctor may help by assisting in teaching the most helpful exercise for hand tremors. The shaking may be reduced with the help of exercises and medications assigned.

Check the availability of a doctor near your area and always choose the best treatment plan for you and your loved ones.

Tremors can be treated and the intensity can also be reduced if proper treatment and steps are taken against it.

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