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Targeted Therapy

by Anjita Yadav

Medical advancements have led to innovative treatment approaches that cater to individualized patient needs. One such breakthrough in modern medicine is targeted therapy. 

Targeted Therapy Introduction

Unlike traditional treatments that have a broader impact on the body, targeted therapy is a more precise approach that focuses on specific molecular targets involved in the growth and spread of diseases.

 In India, targeted therapy has gained prominence as a promising option for various conditions, offering improved outcomes and reduced side effects.


Targeted Therapy Introduction

About Disease

About Targeted Therapy

Symptoms of Targeted therapy


Symptoms of diseases that can be treated with targeted therapy vary widely depending on the specific condition. 

However, one common thread among these diseases is the abnormal behavior of cells due to genetic mutations or other molecular abnormalities

Symptoms can range from pain and discomfort to organ dysfunction and even life-threatening complications.

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Targeted therapy is employed in the treatment of several diseases, including:

Types Taregeted therapy

Cancer: Targeted therapy has revolutionized cancer treatment. It is used to inhibit the growth of cancer cells by targeting specific molecules essential for their survival. This approach is particularly effective in cases of breast cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and leukemia.

Autoimmune Disorders: Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis involve an overactive immune response. Targeted therapy aims to suppress specific components of the immune system responsible for causing these disorders.

Neurological Diseases: Neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease involve complex molecular mechanisms. Targeted therapy is being explored as a potential avenue for slowing down disease progression.

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Diagnosing diseases suitable for targeted therapy involves a combination of techniques.

Diagnosis of targeted therapy

Molecular profiling of the patient’s cells is crucial to identify the specific genetic mutations or molecular abnormalities driving the disease. 

This may involve advanced techniques like DNA sequencing and analysis of protein expression patterns.

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The outlook for patients undergoing targeted therapy can vary based on the disease, stage of diagnosis, and individual response to treatment.

outlook after targeted therapy

In many cases, targeted therapy offers a more favorable prognosis compared to traditional treatments, as it focuses on the underlying molecular causes of the disease.

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Treatment of Targeted Therapy


While targeted therapy has shown remarkable success, it’s essential to acknowledge potential complications. 

Complications of Targeted therapy

One major challenge is the development of resistance, where the targeted molecules mutate or change, rendering the therapy less effective over time. This requires continuous monitoring and adjustments to treatment strategies.

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Prognosis with targeted therapy is generally positive, with many patients experiencing improved quality of life and extended survival rates

Prognosis of targeted therapy

However, success relies on early detection, accurate diagnosis, and personalised treatment plans.

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Risk Factors

Certain risk factors can affect the success of targeted therapy. 

Targeted therapy Risk Factors

Genetic variations, disease stage, and overall health condition play a role in determining whether targeted therapy is suitable for a particular patient. In some cases, the patient’s genetic makeup might limit the effectiveness of targeted drugs.

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Side Effects

Side effects can still occur and vary depending on the specific drugs used and the patient’s individual response. 

Side Effects of targeted therapy

Common side effects include nausea, fatigue, skin reactions, and changes in blood pressure.

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Pre / Post Care

Before starting targeted therapy, thorough evaluation and discussions with healthcare professionals are crucial. 

Targetd therapy Pre _ Post Care

Patients need to understand the treatment process, potential side effects, and the importance of regular follow-up appointments. Post-treatment care involves monitoring for any signs of disease recurrence and managing long-term side effects.

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Treatment Cost

Targeted Therapy Treatment Cost

In India, the cost of targeted therapy varies widely depending on factors such as the type of disease, the specific targeted drugs used, the duration of treatment, and the healthcare facility.

Treatment Cost of targeted therapy

Cancer-targeted therapies can range from a few lakhs to several lakhs of rupees.

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