Home » Astigmatism Treatment

Astigmatism Treatment

by Anjita Yadav

Astigmatism is a type of disorder that consists of malfunctioning of eyes curvature. This can be paired with nearsightedness or farsightedness. It is caused because the curvature of the eye is imperfect. It can be treated on the basis of type of condition and difficulty.


Cornea of the eye or lens of the eye if it has mismatched curvature then it can be caused. Blurred vision is the outcome. It can occur at birth too. Headaches, squinting etc are some of the main symptoms.

The other detailed information on astigmatism is shared in the following sections. The best treatment options will be shared in other sections too.


Introduction Astigmatism Treatment

About Disease

About Astigmatism Treatment


Symptoms may vary to some extent according to the condition of patient but main symptoms are as follows-

  • Blurred vision is the main symptom.
  • Distorted vision can occur.
  • At night one may find it difficult to see.
  • Squinting may occur.
  • Discomfort in eyes may occur.
  • Headaches are associated with this.

All these are symptoms of astigmatism and one may need to consult a doctor to confirm whether someone has astigmatism or not.

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Types of astigmatism

There are basically two types of astigmatism and the main two types of astigmatism is discussed as follows-

  • Horizontal type of astigmatism is said to occur when the eye is wider than it is tall.
  • In vertical type of astigmatism the eye is taller than its wider.

A normal eye is evenly rounded but in this disorder it is oval like. Both types of astigmatism can cause blurred vision. Other types are mixed, hyperopic.

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Diagnosis of astigmatism

Diagnosis of astigmatism can be done in various ways and main tests for diagnosis are stated as follows-


  • Chart reading is a way in which a doctor may detect how well you can read clearly and it will help in checking the vision at specific distances.
  • A binocular-like device is placed and then the individual is  asked to look from it . One is asked to read the letter through the device. It helps in detecting vision.
  • Autorefractor may also help in identifying . In this beam of light is passed through the eye and it is checked how it bounces when light is passed through it.
  • Keratometer is used for measuring the curve of your cornea. A corneal topography scan can be done to detect the errors.

All these things or ways help in identifying the error in eyes and help in detecting whether someone is suffering from astigmatism or not.

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Treatment of Astigmatism


Treatment may vary according to the type but the main type of treatment that is given to treat astigmatism is shared as follows-

  • Contact lenses or eyeglasses may be prescribed as they can work by focusing light on the retina. 
  • Contact lenses for astigmatism are for two types- toric soft lenses and rigid gas permeable.
  • Surgeries are also offered for treating it . Laser reshapes are also an option.

It is necessary to consult a doctor with good experience and knowledge who can help in better diagnosis and treatment plans. It can be cured with proper care.

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Complications of astigmatism

There are certain complications of astigmatism and the complications are shared as follows-


  • If a child is suffering from astigmatism and is left untreated then it can cause failure or poor performance in academics.
  • Vision loss may also occur in some cases.
  • Amblyopia or lazy eye can occur.
  • Frequent headaches can occur.
  • Eye strain or discomfort are mIn complications.
  • Vision reverting may occur too.

All these are possible complications of astigmatism. One is always advised to get the cure of this condition for avoiding any long term complications.

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Prognosis of astigmatism

Astigmatism is to be cured as soon as possible with the help of perfect treatment. If left undiagnosed then it can cause vision loss in the long run.


After surgery the recovery may take time and it may have some side effects too such as dry eyes.

But with time recovery can occur and one should take care of the diet and other important things for getting recovered soon.

Consulting a good doctor is a must as it can help you in getting a proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Risk factor of astigmatism

It can occur to children and adults. The few main risk factors are as follows-


  • Family background related to eye disorder.
  • Degeneration of the cornea may be a risk factor too.
  • Scarring of cornea is a risk factor.
  • Nearsightedness and blurry vision due to other conditions may be a risk factor too.
  • Close up vision .
  • Surgeries performed before for cataract and other surgery for removal of clouds.

All these are risk factors associated with astigmatism and one should always take the consultation of a doctor and discuss the medical possibilities clearly.

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Side effects of astigmatism

There are some possible side effects of astigmatism and surgery related to it can cause some side effects too.


The side effects are-

  • Blurred vision.
  • Vision loss in the long run if left untreated.
  • Lazy eye conditions.
  • Poor performance.
  • Headaches.
  • Eye discomfort related to it.
  • Surgery can lead to dry eyes for some time.

All these are some side effects associated with astigmatism. One needs to keep in touch with the doctor to keep a check on all these conditions. It can help in getting over the side effects. 

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Pre or post care of astigmatism

The medical procedure for astigmatism requires proper care and attention. There are some ways which can help in taking pre and post care of astigmatism and the ways are as follows-


  • Always keep your eyes healthy to avoid any type of eye discomfort.
  • In case of family medical history, do consult a doctor immediately.
  • Have a healthy diet after surgery.
  • Keep following the doctor’s instructions.

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Treatment Cost

Treatment Cost of Astigmatism


Treatment cost in India may vary according to the treatment type and the type of hospital that the patient chooses. The cost of a surgeon may vary accordingly.

Search for the best surgeons and check which one is affordable and skilled.

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