Home » Aplastic Anemia

Aplastic Anemia

by Anjita Yadav

A severe decrease in the quantity of blood cells generated by the bone marrow characterizes the rare and deadly blood condition known as aplastic anemia. 

Aplastic Anemia Introduction

Low amounts of platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells may result from this disorder. If untreated, aplastic anemia poses a life-threatening risk, however there are several effective management options available.


Introduction of Aplastic Anemia

About Disease

About Aplastic Anemia

About Aplastic Anemia


These symptoms/signs may appear as:

  • Fatigue
  • Pale skin
  • Frequent infections
  • Easy bruising or bleeding
  • Shortness of breath
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Prolonged bleeding from minor cuts
  • Nosebleeds
  • Petechiae (tiny red or purple spots on the skin)

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Aplastic anemia is a rare and serious blood disorder characterized by a significant reduction in the number of blood cells produced in the bone marrow

Tyeps of aplstic anemia

There are different types or classifications of aplastic anemia, which are based on their causes and origins. The primary types of aplastic anemia include:

Acquired Aplastic Anemia:

  • Idiopathic Aplastic Anemia
  • Secondary Aplastic Anemia
  • Radiation therapy
  • Viral infections
  • Autoimmune disorders

Congenital Aplastic Anemia:

  • Fanconi Anemia
  • Dyskeratosis Congenita

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 The critical steps in aplastic anemia diagnosis are as follows:

Diagnosis of aplastic anemia

  • Medical History and Physical Exam: A thorough medical history will be taken, including any blood abnormalities or exposure to toxins, radiation, or drugs, and a physical examination will be performed to determine symptoms.
  • CBC: Complete Blood Count The first step in determining blood cell counts is a CBC, and aplastic anemia often causes a large decrease in red, white, and platelet cells.
  • A Smear of Peripheral Blood: A blood smear is a diagnostic tool that enables a microscopic inspection of blood cells, giving more details about their morphology and appearance.
  • Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy: The procedure of bone marrow aspiration and biopsy is used to determine the presence of aplastic anemia by counting, measuring, and analysing a tiny sample of hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow.
  • Further Tests: To ascertain the aetiology and rule out alternative illnesses, such as bone marrow failure, additional tests, such as genetic, cytogenetic, and viral marker testing, may be carried out.
  • Severity Evaluation: Aplastic anemia is classified as “severe,” “moderate,” or “mild” depending on the degree of blood cell depletion and bone marrow cellularity.

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Depending on the degree of severity of the ailment, the efficacy of treatment, and personal characteristics, the long-term outlook for anemia with aplastic anemia can change.

Outlook After aplastic anemia

Many sufferers of aplastic anemia can enjoy everyday activities with the right care.

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Treatment of Aplastic Anemia

Treatment of aplastic anemia


  • Infections: Patients with aplastic anemia are more prone to infections due to decreased white blood cell numbers.
  • Bleeding: Increased bleeding tendencies might result from low platelet counts.
  • Signs and symptoms of anemia: shortness of breath, weakness, and exhaustion as a result of low red blood cell levels.

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Prognosis of Aplastic Anemia

  • Here are some key points to consider regarding the prognosis of aplastic anemia:
  • Severity of Aplastic Anemia
  • Response to Treatment
  • Age and Overall, Health
  • Cause of Aplastic Anemia
  • Complications
  • Bone Marrow Transplant
  • Relapse

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Risk Factors:

Risk factors involved in Aplastic Anemia is as follow:

Aplastic Anemia Risk Factors

  • radiation or harmful chemical exposure
  • some pharmaceuticals, including chemotherapy drugs
  • viral illnesses like hepatitis
  • specific genetic components

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Side Effects:

 Here are some of the potential side effects and complications associated with aplastic anemia and its treatment:

Side effects of Aplstic Anemia

  • Infections
  • Bleeding
  • Anemia-Related Symptoms
  • Transfusion Reactions
  • Iron Overload
  • Bone Marrow Suppression
  • Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD)
  • Secondary Cancers
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Psychological Effects

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Pre / Post Care:

To treat low blood cell counts, patients with aplastic anemia may need frequent blood transfusions.

Aplastic Anemia Pre _ Post Care

Post-transplant care for bone marrow transplant recipients includes immunosuppressive medications and careful monitoring for complications.

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Treatment Cost

Treatment Cost of Aplastic Anemia

The cost of treating Aplastic Anemia in India can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the severity of the condition, the type of treatment required, the choice of healthcare facility, and the location within India.

Treatment cost of Aplastic Anemia

Here’s a rough estimate of the potential costs associated with treating Aplastic Anemia in India:

  • Blood Transfusions: Blood transfusions for Aplastic Anemia patients can cost between 1,000-3,000 INR, with the cost varying based on severity and treatment response.
  • Immunosuppressive Therapy: The monthly cost of immunosuppressive medications can range from a few thousand INR to several thousand INR, depending on the specific drugs and their dosages.
  • Bone Marrow Biopsy: The cost of a bone marrow biopsy may range from 3,000 to 6,000 INR.
  • Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT): A bone marrow transplant in India can cost between 15 lakhs to 25 lakhs INR, depending on donor type and relatedness.
  • Hospitalization: Hospitalization costs, including room charges, medical tests, and other services, can vary significantly based on the hospital’s location and reputation, ranging from several thousand to lakhs of INR per day.
  • Consultation Fees: Consultations with haematologists, oncologists, and other specialists typically cost between 500 to 2,000 INR or more per visit.
  • Follow-Up Care: Aplastic Anemia often requires long-term follow-up care, including regular blood tests, medications, and check-ups, which can incur ongoing costs.
  • Miscellaneous Costs: Healthcare costs for Aplastic Anemia patients can vary, and government hospitals and charitable organizations in India may provide financial assistance or subsidies.

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