Home » What Causes Ovarian Cyst in Young Females?

What Causes Ovarian Cyst in Young Females?

by Ravi Kumar

Ovarian Cyst are fluid-filled sacs that can develop within the ovaries either in one or both. Many young girls develop cyst in their early age due to endometriosis, hormonal problems or pelvic infections. All females at some point of time in their life develop cyst in their ovaries but usually most cyst are non-cancerous and painless. 

Different types of cell tissues are present in ovaries, many cyst develop due to abnormal menstrual cycle but they can also develop in other ways like lack of apetite, improper digestion, and unhygienic living. 

normal and ovarian cyst

Cysts can vary in size from a small pea to as large as a grape. Cysts can be generally categorized into two types Functional and Pathologic.

Functional Cyst is the most common type of cyst found in young girls as well as females during their menstrual cycle; when a follicle in the ovary releases an egg during the period of ovulation but instead of the follicle disappearing, it seals off and fills with fluid which results in the formation of cyst. Whereas another type of cyst grows when some part of the ovary grows abnormally. 

These type of cyst usually don’t disappear on their own and are much more harmful as a comparison to functional ones.

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How Big is the Ovarian Cyst size?

Ovarian cyst can vary in size from very small less than 1 centimeter to very large; maximum upto 50 centimeter. Normal Functional cyst can vary upto from 2 to 5 centimeters and usually disappear on it’s own within a few months. 

How Big is the Ovarian Cyst size_

Ovarian cyst of size 30 centimeter or above require emergency surgery to remove it due to high risk of rupture and twisting. It’s very important to consult with a healthcare or gynaecologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Signs & Symptoms

Some cyst do not carry any symptoms and found accidentally during testing (MRI SCAN) or ultrasound whereas some symptoms which female feel during the development of cyst are listed below:

ovarian cyst treatment

  • Pelvic pain- pain can be dull or sharp depending on the size of cyst and may be felt either one or both sides of lower abdomen.
  • Bloating or Swelling in the lower abdomen
  • Irregular or heavy menstrual cycle
  • Difficulty in emptying the bladder
  • Infertility
  • Pain during Intercourse

It’s important to note that these symptoms can be caused by other reasons too that’s why there is need to consult a healthcare provider or a gynecologist as soon as you experience any of these symptoms. 

In some cases, it might cause severe complications if not consulted at right time. Here is how to read doctors prescription format and know different meanings like odhs meaning etc.

Test & Diagnosis

Ovarian cyst are discoverd usually during regular pelvic examinations. If your gynaecologist suspect any of the symptoms given above then to confirm they may recommend you the following test for further diagnosis.

Test & Diagnosis of Ovarian Cyst

  1. Ultrasound: It uses sound waves to determine the size, location and composition of cyst.
  2. Blood test – It measures level of hormones in the body such as FSH(follicle-stimulating hormone).
  3. CT scan or MRI – more detailed images of the cyst and surrounding tissues can be examined.

In some cases, if the size of cyst is larger than it might be your gynecologist recommend surgery to remove it. During the surgery, cyst can be examined whether it is cancerous or non-cancerous. If cancer is suspected, then a further biopsy will be conducted to confirm the diagnosis.

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Can Women give birth while having Cyst?

In some cases, women may be able to give birth while having an ovarian cyst. The ability to give birth actually depends upon the size of the cyst and the extent of damage it has already done. 

Can Women give birth while having Cyst_

If a woman becomes pregnant while having a cyst then her gynecologist will regularly monitor throughout the pregnancy to avoid further complications and In some cases cyst may need to be surgically removed during or before pregnancy in order to save the life of the mother as well as child.

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Precautions to avoid growing of cyst

Well, unfortunately, there is no sure ways to prevent ovarian cyst, as they can develop for a variety of reasons but you can take some regular precautions to avoid such conditions.

Precautions to avoid growing of cyst

  1. Attend regular gynecologist check-ups
  2. Use hormonal contraceptives such as birth control pills
  3. Maintain a healthy weight.
  4. Proper hygiene should be taken care
  5. Be Aware of symptoms and underlying conditions.

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Myths about Cyst

There are several myths and misconceptions about cyst.


Here are a few common one’s.

  • Cyst are cancerous – Well this is not actually true, not all cyst are cancerous but a few of them may be that depends upon the size of the cyst. Some cysts which are more than 10 centimeters require urgent medical attention.
  • All cyst needs to be removed – Well this is also not true, some cyst which is smaller in size disappear on their own without any treatment and medication. However, if the cyst becomes larger in size then shows some painful symptoms then only it needs proper medication by a gynecologist.
  • Cyst are always painful – Not all cyst are painful, many cyst does not give any pain or discomfort.
  • Cyst are caused by poor hygiene – Cyst are developed because of a variety of reasons including hormonal changes, infections, genetic factors. It is good to be hygienic but poor hygiene is not always a cause for the cyst.
  • Contraceptive pills are not a treatment option
  • Ovarian cysts can cause severe abdominal pain
  • Ovarian cysts cause infertility

Note: Ovarian cysts are common in girls at the age of puberty, it’s not a big deal. If you see any symptoms in your child then don’t panic rather consult a healthcare provider or a gynecologist for future diagnosis. 

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1 comment

Rashi August 10, 2023 - 1:31 pm

Great details!!! Love the in depth information in short and easy to understand manner.


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