Home » Best Tablet For Piles

Best Tablet For Piles

by Anjita Yadav

Piles can be very discomforting. Symptoms of piles can differ and in some people it may be hard to identify the symptoms of piles. Piles is caused by the swollen veins in rectum or anus.

It can be cured with the help of many different approaches. Many grades are there according to which piles are differentiated. If you are looking for some best pile tablets then this blog is for you.

We will share some very good options of tablets that can help in treatment of piles. Piles can be internal or external depending upon the causes. There are many risk factors of piles.

Few of the main risk factors include – Pregnancy, weight, diet, etc. Proper diet and medications can help one get relief from this. Let us first try to understand its symptoms in the upcoming section.

Symptoms of Piles

The symptoms of piles may vary according to the condition of the individual or according to the degree to which it has caused damage. The symptoms are as follows-


  • Lumps around the anus.
  • Discomfort in anus.
  • Pain in anus.
  • Stools with blood.
  • Excessive bleeding in a few cases.
  • Anaemia due to more blood loss.
  • Anal fistula.
  • Hemorrhoid.

As told earlier symptoms may be unnoticable too. One may need a proper diagnosis to confirm that one is suffering from piles.

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Best Tablets for Piles


  • DABUR pilochek piles relief tablets.
  • THEY come in tablets and in the form of gel too.
  • It helps in getting relief from itching due to piles.
  • It is useful for bleeding too.
  • Herbal supplements in it help getting relief from pain.
  • They also help by improving the digestive system.
  • Burning sensation is cured with the help of this.
  • Constipation gets relief with the help of piles.
  • Two tablets are prescribed by healthcare per day but one is advised to consult a doctor before use.
  • It is to be kept away from sunlight and exposed heat.
  • There are no side effects of this but overdose is avoided.
  • Price range of this medicine is Rs 140.

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Himalaya Pilex Tablet


  • It contains lajjalu and yashad bhasma .
  • It is a good ayurvedic formulation.
  • It helps in healing the inflamed skin that is caused by piles.
  • Rectal bleeding is cured.
  • Pain is relieved with the help of this.
  • Itchiness is also cured.
  • Pain free excretion is provided by these tablets.
  • The antimicrobial properties are also nice.
  • It should be kept away from children.
  • Wound healing is the major benefit.
  • Price range is Rs 174.

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Dafflon 500 mg For Piles


  • Flavonoids are present in this medicine.
  • Flavonoids inhibit inflammation.
  • It has antioxidant properties.
  • It is advised not to crush the medicine.
  • The prescription should be done accordingly.
  • Ten tablets can be bought at the range of Rs 110 to 118.
  • Lactating mothers should avoid this.
  • Alcohol should be avoided.
  • Tobacco should be avoided while using this tablet.

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Doxycycline Tablets For Piles


  • This is mainly used for fighting bacterial infection.
  • It belongs to drug tetracycline.
  • This is used for inhibiting the production of bacterial protein.
  • It is advised not to consume this tablet with other drugs.
  • It can be taken with food.
  • It is taken once or twice a week.
  • Discoloration of teeth is a side effect.
  • Nausea and vomiting are some common side effects too.
  • Price range is Rs 120.

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Piles Cure Tablets


  • It has naturally occurring ingredients.
  • Haridra and pippali help in giving relief to the stomach.
  • Haridra aids in digestion.
  • Anti inflammatory properties are well known of this medicine.
  • Burning sensation is cured with this.
  • Bloating is also decreased.
  • Internal piles are cured with this.
  • It is very effective.
  • Price range is Rs 102.
  • A consultation with an ayurvedic practitioner is required.

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DR Vaidya’s Piles Care


  • It is good for digestion.
  • It is suitable for constipation.
  • Nagkesar in it helps in controlling bleeding.
  • Triphala helps in pain and inflammation.
  • Mahaneem in it is suitable for swelling.
  • It has received a lot of good feedback.
  • It is available at a price of Rs 399.
  • It is high in soluble fibres.
  • This is the best method of treatment for piles in an ayurvedic form.

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Home Remedies For Piles

Here are some best home remedies for piles that are shared as follows-


  • Cold compresses can be applied to the anus for getting relief in pain. Wrapping cold ice in cloth is advised instead of applying it directly to the affected area.
  • Witch hazel is anti-inflammatory in nature. It can reduce swelling. In liquid form it can be applied.
  • If someone is not allergic to aloe vera gel then one can use it for its antimicrobial properties.
  • Soothing wipes are to be used instead of toilet papers.
  • Tea tree oil is a good antiseptic and it can be applied to the skin. It can give relief.
  • Coconut oil is a good oil for skin and it is known for antimicrobial properties.

These simple yet effective methods or home remedies can be used at home for getting relief from pain and itchiness. The severity of piles is to be diagnosed by a doctor so that one can get effective treatment.

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Other Treatments For Piles

There are many other ways of treating piles which are shared as follows-


  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and laxatives are prescribed by a doctor for treating piles. Laxatives like bran are used.
  • Creams are also advised for applying at the affected area. They can help in reducing inflammation. It can give relief to the burning sensation too.
  • Lifestyle changes along with a good diet is advised.
  • Home remedies or over the counter medicines are also used by people for getting the treatment of piles.

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It is always advised not to neglect healthcare experts. The consultation can play a very great role and it can help the individual from getting into more complex problems.

Pay attention to the bowel movement and severity of pain or inflammation as it can help you decide when to get advice from a healthcare professional. Good diet and a good eating routine can be very beneficial.

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