Home » Allegra Tablet Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage Per Day and Price

Allegra Tablet Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage Per Day and Price

by Dev Pawar

Little changes in our health can impact our days. A mild headache can be worse sometimes. It is better to take care and to take proper precautions before any other complications arise. Allergies may sound little but they can be so disturbing.

Overview_ Allegra Tablet

Even things like a runny nose, watery eyes can be very troublesome. We will talk about an allegra tablet that is used to treat many different allergies including runny nose,etc. You will have a great insight upon allegra tablets.

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Read this blog and get to know about all the queries regarding allegra tablets. The uses and benefits are shared in the following sections.

Overview: Allegra Tablet

Tablet uses in india

First we will talk about allegra tablets and their uses. Knowing about its uses is a must and one should know about the uses in detail. The main uses of allegra tablets are shared as follows and you can check them out.

  • It can help in treating many different allergic symptoms.
  • Sneezing can be treated with this.
  • One can get rid of itchiness with its help.
  • Some skin allergies can be treated too.
  • Congestion in the nose can be dealt with by its use.
  • Better sleep can be provided by its use.

These are some of the main benefits of allegra tablets. One can use it accordingly. The use should be done in an appropriate manner to avoid any major side effects.

Allegra Tablet Cost in India

tablet / medicine price in india INR

The allegra tablets are available in different quantities and packages. One can choose the one according to need. The starting price of this is Rs 208 only.

One can get the number of tablets according to need. Allegra tablets are available at different places. One can get them in online and offline mode.

Consult a doctor to know the required dosage of the tablet and then consume it accordingly for good results.

Benefits and Side-effects of Allegra Tablet

fayede or nukshan kya kya hai


Talking about benefits and side effects of allegra tablets is a must. This section will tell you about the benefits of allegra tablets. The benefits are shared as follows.

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  • The skin infections can also be treated with help of allegra tablets.
  • The itching can also be treated with the help of an allegra tablet.
  • Irritation can be reduced with the help of an allegra tablet.
  • It is beneficial for a runny nose.
  • Watery eyes can be reduced with help of this.
  • Inflammation can be reduced by allegra tablets.
  • Rashes can be decreased with its usage.

All these are the benefits of allegra tablets. One can rely on the quality of allegra tablets. The potential side effects of allegra tablets are shared in the next section. You can read them to know about how they can affect you.

Side Effects of Allegra Tablet

The side effects of allegra tablets are shared in this section and one should read about them. The side effects of allegra tablets are as follows.

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  • Headache is a common side effect of allegra tablets.
  • One can experience nausea too as a side effect.
  • Sleepiness is also a symptom of it.
  • Dizziness can be felt.
  • A feeling of drowsiness can be felt.

All these are the side effects of allegra tablets and one should pay attention to them. In case it gets worse then consultation with a doctor is a must. Do not ignore the side effects if they bring a lot of discomfort. One can look for some good substitutes.

Substitute to Allegra Tablet

medicine or tablet substitute in india

With the consultation of a doctor one can look for some substitutes to allegra tablets. The substitutes of allegra tablets are shared as follows.

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  • Cetrizine is a medicine that can help in allergies. It is affordable too.
  • Histafree costs Rs 108 only.
  • Fenixa suspension at Rs 160.
  • Fexo 180 mg at RS 264.
  • Zeagra tablet.
  • The Etrofex tablet costs Rs 8 per tablet.
  • Alermed tablet costs Rs 9 per tablet.
  • Altiva tablet is Rs 15 for one tablet.

All these are some of the main tablets that we can use as substitutes for allegra tablets. Consulting a doctor before using a particular tablet is necessary. One should do it accordingly.

Safety Advice while taking Allegra Tablet

safety advice for the medicine or tablet

Some safety tips that need to be taken care of while using this tablet are shared as follows. One needs to make sure that the dosage is appropriate and along with that all these points that are shared are to be considered too.

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  • Apple juices or other juices are to be avoided after having this medicine as it can reduce the absorption of this medicine.
  • Antacids are to be avoided too for better absorption.
  • If the side effects last longer then one should consult a doctor immediately.
  • Spicy foods are not to be considered and one should avoid them.
  • A good balanced diet can help in good recovery.
  • Water intake should be maintained.
  • Tell the doctor about all the medical background of yours for diagnosing you better.

These tips can help you in being healthy and will also help in speedy recovery. Take care of health by remaining positive and a bit active.

Fact Box : Allegra Tablet

  • Name of the tablet – Allegra tablet

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  • Active ingredients– Fexonfenadine  is present in it. This is responsible for its working.
  • Uses– It is used to reduce allergy and symptoms related to it. One can get better improvements in runny nose, congestion, etc. One can recover from allergies with help of this.
  • Side effects– Headache, nausea, drowsiness can be felt by an individual who is using this tablet. One should use it in proper dosage.
  • Storage– The storage of this tablet is to be done below 30 degree celsius. Avoid placing in very hot temperatures.
  • Safety tips– Avoid juices for its better absorption. Drink and eat well for speedy recovery. The substitutes are to be checked for avoiding major complications.
  • Shelf life– The shelf life is usually longer and one can read it on the box of tablets.
  • Availability– The availability of this medicine is easy and one can have it from local pharma stores.
  • Price– Price for this is Rs 206 only.
  • Manufacturer– Sanofi India ltd.

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