Home » Take Control of your Diabetes with the Power of Natural Home Remedies

Take Control of your Diabetes with the Power of Natural Home Remedies

by Kriti Sachdeva

India has been referred to as “Diabetes capital of the world” due to high prevalence among the population. It is a chronic medical condition characterized by high amounts of sugar levels in the human body.

This condition strikes when the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin in the body and insulin is nothing but basically a hormone that produces sugar levels in the body.

The country has estimated 77 million people suffering from diabetes with an increase of 4% in 1995 to 5.4% in the upcoming years by 2025.

It is a big challenge to face, basically, there are two causes of diabetes one is insulin insufficiency and another one is insulin dysfunction. Whereas multiple factors also play a role in the cause for diabetes.

There are two primary types of diabetes: Type1 and Type2

Type1 Diabetes

It is a condition that develops during childhood or adolescence, in which pancreas at an earlier age stops producing insulin or the production of the flow of insulin starts reducing.

type 1 diabetes home remedies

This condition begins due to lack of appetite, weak immune system and weak metabolism. This condition in children cannot be prevented; rather they need to adjust with this lifestyle and maintain a healthy lifestyle change.


Type2 Diabetes

It is a condition that develops in adulthood due to metabolic disorder in which the body becomes resistant to insulin and unable to react effectively.

type 2 diabetes home remedies

It is a very common type of diabetes in India, usually occurring at the age of 40 or after 40; especially seen in old age people.

There can be many reasons behind this like high blood pressure, stress, medication and improper balanced diet.

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Symptoms of Diabetes

  • Fatigue and tiredness in the body
  • Urinating frequently in a day
  • Feeling thirsty
  • Loss of weight
  • Blur of vision
  • Sores or cuts heal slower than usual
  • Decrease muscle strength
  • Erectile dysfunction in men
  • Itchy skin or urinary infection in women

Therefore expert’s research was conducted around the world to conclude a result on home remedies that are beneficial for treating diabetes in an effective manner.HOME-REMEDIES

Home Remedies to Treat Diabetes

  1. Apple cider vinegar- Drinking apple cider vinegar before meals may lower blood sugar levels.
  2. Cinnamon– Adding cinnamon to food or beverages may improve insulin sensitivity and sugar levels in the body as cinnamon contains a biotic component that helps to stimulate insulin activities in the body.
  3. Fenugreek seeds– Soaking seeds overnight and consuming them early morning may help improve blood platelets count.
  4. Aloe-Vera– Drinking aloe Vera juice may help in improving blood sugar control. It is bitter in taste but very effective for your body as it contains anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. Jamun– Consuming at least 80-100g of jamun everyday will improve sugar levels in the body.
  6. Bitter-gourd– Try to consume bitter gourd in any form like juice, vegetable or with any other supplement.
  7. Vitamin C– Fruits rich in vitamin C like amla, tomato, orange, blueberry will improve blood sugar level consistently. Have a look at vitamin d foods for vegetarians here as well.
  8. Neem– It increases the glucose level in the body.
  9. Babul- It helps in releasing insulin hormone in the body.
  10. Stress management and eating right food– Stress can be a very well-defined reason for rising sugar levels in the body. 

    You should also consider reading about butter fruit benefits here as well.Stress can be of any type will harm the body, learn tricks and techniques to control stress like:

    • Deep-breathing
    • Walking
    • Meditation
    • Working out
    • Pursuing your interest or hobby
    • Gardening
    • Listening to music
    • Talking and sharing problems with closed one’s 

      Eating vegetables and fruits rich in fiber will improve your immune system and also drink 8-10 glasses of water daily instead of drinking sodas or juice containing high amounts of sugar levels.Have a look at tricks for a healthy diet

  11. Exercise– Stay active and exercise regularly or perform activities like running, cycling, jogging, dancing, yoga and stretching. Taking short walks daily will slightly improve your endurance and will keep you fit and healthy.



Let’s suppose you are not a diabetic patient but you are confused because the symptoms such as frequent urination, fatigue, and increased thirst are indicating diabetes.

Then you must visit a healthcare provider for a clear diagnosis as soon as possible.

3 ways to reduce risk of diabetes!!

  • Lose weight if you are overweight, being obese is another sign of being diagnosed with diabetes. Control your weight according to your height and age.
  • Choose water as your primary beverage and ignore other types of drinks which contain high amounts of sugar in it.
  • Quit smoking is an important factor as today most of the problems are starting with the habit of smoking. It causes many serious health conditions.

Note: You must not depend on home remedies, it’s better to consult a doctor first and seek advice to avoid any further complications.


In conclusion, Diabetes is a chronic medical condition with many factors associated with it. It is characterized by high levels of sugar in the blood. It might occur due to insufficient insulin in the body because of poor appetite and weak immune system. It requires careful management and medical treatment.

Consider Reading:

There are various home remedies present in nature as a cure for diabetes but they should never replace medical treatment given by a healthcare provider.

These are the remedies to prevent remedies or improve the lifestyle for diabetes patients but it is always recommended to consult a doctor for exact guidance and care.

Managing diabetes has actually become a part of people’s lifestyle and some modifications like exercising, controlling weight, fiber intake will naturally help them to manage blood sugar levels in the body.

People should actively participate in their own care to avoid any complications and having a better lifestyle will only promote good health.

Do check out importance of  Fiber rich food in India

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