Home » Is Mango Lassi Good For Weight Loss? Know This Before Trying

Is Mango Lassi Good For Weight Loss? Know This Before Trying

by Anjita Yadav

Lassi is a very famous Indian drink that is composed of yoghurt and is present in different flavours. Lassi is enjoyed in every part of India specially in summers. It is very refreshing and it is delicious too. The types of lassi vary according to the ingredients.

The mango lassi and its speciality is discussed here. We are going to discuss how amazingly mango lassi can make you feel refreshed. Many secrets regarding mango lassi are shared in this blog that you can know. Add this sweet lassi in your routine and see its magic.

If you love lassi during the summer season then you should definitely know about mango lassi and its benefits. One needs to include good things in the summer diet. Weight loss journey can be enhanced in summers. Weight loss can be done with the help of mango lassi too. Let’s see how it works!

Drinking lassi in summers and its perks

In the summer we need to keep our body cool and hydrated. Many drinks are opted by individuals in the summer season to make their bodies cool.

Drinking lassi in summers and its perks

Lassi has many perks. It’s best to be consumed in the summer season. The main perks of drinking lassi in the summer season are shared as follows.

  • Lassi is a chilled drink that helps in maintaining your body temperature.
  • You can have the best cooling effect by having lassi.
  • In summers it can refresh you.
  • The sweet and delicious taste of lassi is irresistable.
  • You can make it easily at home.
  • It is a very cost effective approach.
  • Many flavours can be tried of lassi.

Summers and lassi go hand in hand. You can choose the best drink for summer by choosing lassi. Let us explore the best mango lassi in the next section.

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Mango lassi and its health benefits

Mango lassi is considered good for weight loss due to its probiotic nature and mango’s phytochemicals. Let us know about the health benefits of mango lassi by reading these points.

Mango lassi and its health benefits

  • Mangoes have a whole set of minerals and vitamins in them and they give your body a perfect dose of vitamins.
  • Mango lassi can help in lowering your cholesterol too. Better blood flow can be initiated by drinking mango lassi.
  • Mango lassi promotes the growth of healthy bacteria and it helps in better digestion.
  • The phytochemicals in mango lassi act as fatbursters. It helps in maintaining weight.
  • Curd in mango lassi is good for your bones. It boosts up the vitamin D in your body. Mango lassi is good for bone strength.

You can see how good mango lassi is for you. Along with weight loss it can help your body to stay healthy and fit. Try the mango lassi this summer season and get started with your weight loss journey.

Recipe to make mango lassi

 A very simple recipe is shared with you for making mango lassi. Chilled mango lassi for weight loss can be made by following the steps mentioned below. Follow the steps.

Recipe to make mango lassi

  • Chop the mango perfectly and now you need to place it in the blender. Make sure that you are using a good blender.
  • Now you need to add curd in the blender along with some cardamom.
  • You can now blend it till the thick mixture is observed. 
  • Pour it into the glass and add ice cubes in it.
  • Drink the chilled and refreshing mango lassi.

This was a very easy way of making chilled mango lassi. You can make it easily with curd and mango. Enjoy this sweet drink and have its benefits.

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Other types of lassi that are worth trying

You can give it a try to some other types of lassi that can be as refreshing as mango lassi. The best types of lassi that you can try during summers are shared as follows.

Other types of lassi that are worth trying

  • Sweet lassi is a popular one and it’s a refreshing one too. You can get the best taste by adding rose water in it. Enhance it as per your choice. Add some mint leaves to make it more cool. Try this lassi in the summer season.
  • Salty lassi can be enjoyed too. You just need to add a pinch of salt in it. Try this lassi and enjoy it to the fullest. After a heavy meal this lassi can show its magic.
  • If you love drinking strawberry flavoured drinks then you should try strawberry lassi. This will give you perfect taste. It is filled with antioxidants.
  • If you want to have lassi for digestion then mint lassi is a famous one. Try drinking mint lassi and enjoy it. 

Try all these amazing lassi and their variants. You will love their taste and they can be your summer companions. Enjoy them and add them to your routine.

Main things to consider while having mango lassi

Some main things that you need to consider while drinking mango lassi are shared and you need to know them. The main things to consider are shared as follows.

Main things to consider while having mango lassi

  • Mango lassi is a good one that can be consumed at breakfast or in the evening.
  • Consume in moderation and avoid overconsuming it.
  • Use ice cubes in mango lassi to keep it chilled.
  • Blend the ingredients properly.
  • Add the additional things to enhance flavour according to choice.

By considering all these points you can have the best type of mango lassi. Enjoy the lassi season and then cherish it.

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Mango lassi is very advantageous as it is refreshing and tasty. One can get the best dose of vitamins and minerals by consuming mango lassi. Summer is a season of cool drinks and mangoes.

You can get the best taste of mangoes and curd by having mango lassi. We have shared the best benefits of mango lassi for weight loss. Read the blog and then drink mango lassi this summer season.

You can read the recipe too. Check out some other variants of lassi and enjoy them. You will love the mango and other lassi.

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