
The Astonishing Amalaki: Exploring the Medicinal Marvels of Phyllanthus Emblica

Ayurveda has been dependent on a variety of naturally occurring items to provide benefits to human beings. One such beautiful plant is the Emblica Officinalis or the astonishing Amalaki.

It is a miracle food, which can be consumed just as an edible, but is also an important constituent of Ayurvedic medicines. Let’s know more about this gift from nature, shall we?

 What is Amalaki? 

Amalaki, also known as Indian gooseberry, is something every Indian household is familiar with. We all know it as our very famous constituent of pickles and murabba, the Amla.


Sour in taste, this fruit is extremely rich in vitamin C. It is consumed in every Indian household. From pickling it to making tasty murabba, there are multiple ways to consume Amla. 

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Amalaki– Classification

The scientific classification of Amalaki under the nomenclature system is as follows:

Amalaki in Ayurveda

  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Division: Angiospermae
  • Class: Dicotyledone
  • Family: Euphorbiceae
  • Order: Geraniales
  • Genus: Phyllanthus or Emblica
  • Species: Officinalis

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Varieties Of Amalaki

The following varieties of Amalaki are cultivated:

  • Amalaka
  • Ksudramlaka
  • Vanya
  • Gramya Krishna
  • Amrit
  • Neelam
  • Kanchan

Physical Properties Of Amalaki

It is a deciduous tree, with small, yellow-greenish fruits.


  • STEM: Its girth is 70 cm, and it has a thin light grey to blackish bark. 
  • Leaves: Leaves are small, yellowish-green. They are arranged in pinnate fashion.
  • Flowers: Flowers are present in leaf axils. They are pale green in colour. They are tiny and unisexual.
  • Fruits: Fruits are fleshy and round. They are spherical and yellow to greenish in colour.

 Nutritional Profile Of Amalaki

  • Moisture 81.2%
  • Protein 0.5%
  • Fat 0.1%, 
  • Carbohydrates 14.1%
  • Minerals 0.7%
  • Fiber 3.4%
  • Ca 0.05%
  • K 0.02%
  • Fe 1.2 mg/100g
  • Vitamin B 0.2 mg/g
  • Phyllemblin
  • Phyllemblic acid
  • Emblicol ETC

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 Non-Medicinal Uses Of Amalaki

Amalaki, being an extremely delicious, sour fruit with a unique texture, is used by many industries other than just Ayurveda.

Medicinal Uses of Amalaki

Here are some common uses of Amalaki:

Beverage and drinks industry

Regularly, we come across refreshing drinks containing amla juice. Amla juice is not just refreshing, but really cooling. It can also be used in mocktails and syrups.

Food Industry

Amlaki finds numerous, and when I say numerous, I mean thousands of applications in the food industry. There is literally nothing that you cannot make out of this little ball of taste.

Amla Candy is a delicious and healthy substitute for the usual unhealthy candy and is loved by kids and adults alike. One of the most common ways amla is consumed is in the form of pickles.

Who hasn’t eaten aalo ke parathes with delicious, sour and spicy amla ka aachar on the side? It is truly marvelous. It is also used to make delicious chutneys that a lot of people enjoy. This is not the end, for there are still numerous ways you can eat Amlaki.

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Amalaki- The Amritphal

Amalaki is commonly known as the Amritphal or a fruit from heaven, and here is why. Amla has multiple uses in the pharmaceutical Industry. The more you read about the benefits of Amalaki, the more surprising it gets.

I am convinced that there is nothing that an Amla product cannot fix. Here are a few ways Amla can fix all your health issues. A little warning, the list is really long.

Amalaki Forms and Uses

  • Eyes: Amla is known to be a gift from god when it comes to treating weak eyesight. Its juice can be used for eye diseases.
  • Digestive System: It helps in case of Indigestion, acidity or constipation. It can also treat certain Liver disorders. It is also known to be beneficial in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • Diabetes: It’s juice, if regularly taken, can help manage diabetes. Not just diabetes, it is deemed helpful in cases of Jaundice, gout, Arthritis, fever, anemia etc.
  • Circulatory system: Amlaki finds its uses in bleeding disorders where it can be taken as Virechaka. It also helps prevent Cardiac failure.
  • Respiratory system: Ever since time immemorial, It has been used as a household remedy for cough. It also helps in hiccups. 
  • Urinary disorders: Fresh Juice of Amalaki is very effective for patients undergoing diuresis.
  • Skin: A rich source of Vitamin C, it is known to treat many skin issues. It is a boon for the beauty industry. It’s also good for hydration.
  • Hair: It has been used by Indian women for ages to give their hair a natural black shine. It boosts your hair’s health and helps it grow faster and longer.
  • Anti-ageing: It has antioxidant properties which prevent both external and internal aging. This is due to its good vitamin C content.

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Amalaki – Vernacular Names

Don’t recognise the term Amalaki? No issues. Here is a list of vernacular names where you can find out what it is called in your language.

Amalaki in Different Languages

  • In Sanskrit, it is known as Amritphal.
  • Oriyas refer to it as Anala.
  • A Nepali person would identify it as Amlain.
  • Marathis call it Anwala.
  • In English, we commonly call it Indian Gooseberry.
  • The Hindi speaking population refers to it as Amla or Amalaki.
  • In Punjabi, it is called Aula.
  • It’s called Nellikai in Tamil.

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How Can Amalaki Be Consumed To Reap Maximum Benefits

Amalaki Recipes and Home Remedies

  • Amla juice: This can be made using the puree of Amla fruit.
  • Triphala: It is a combination of three fruits- “Amalaki, Bibhitaki and Haritaki”
  • Chyawanprash: It is an immunity booster item that contains amla extracts.
  • Fruit slices: Eating amla fruit with salt is known to cure bad eyesight.
  • Boiled Amalaki: It helps in indigestion.
  • Powder: Popularly known in Ayurveda as Amla churna, Amla is another way to incorporate this miracle food into your diet.

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Side Effects Of Amalaki

Amalaki usually doesn’t show any side effects in the general population, but as the popular saying goes, excess of anything is harmful. Excess of Amlaki may lead to fibre retention, leading to diarrhea, dehydration etc.

Precautions and Side Effects

It might also lower blood sugar due to its anti-diabetogenic properties. If you are a pregnant or lactating mother, you should definitely consult your physician before incorporating this into your diet.

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Amalaki is a powerful ayurvedic herb, which has multi-faceted benefits. It is your go-to ingredient for making delicious recipes, treating your health issues, or for just beautifying your skin and hair.

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