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Tetmosol Soap

by Anjita Yadav

Tetmosol Soap is a medicinal soap primarily used to treat a variety of skin diseases, especially those brought on by parasites and infections. It possesses an active component with antiparasitic and antibacterial effects called monosulfiram.

uses-benefits-side-effects Tetmosol Soap overview

Tetmosol Soap is renowned for its ability to effectively cure skin infestations like scabies.Tetmosol Soap can be a useful treatment for some skin disorders, especially those brought on by parasites. To guarantee its safety and efficacy, like with any medication, it must be used exactly as prescribed by a healthcare professional.


Tetmosol Soap Overview


Tetmosol Soap Uses

Tetmosol soap is a medicinal soap that is mainly used to treat a variety of skin diseases, especially those brought on by parasites and infections. Here are some typical applications for tetmosol soap:

Tetmosol soap Uses

  • In order to get rid of Sarcoptes scabiei mites, their eggs, and the resulting itching and discomfort, Tetmosol soap is used as part of the treatment for scabies.
  • Tetmosol soap successfully eliminates ectoparasites, such as mites and insects, as well as their symptoms, which include itching, redness, and skin irritation.
  • Tetmosol soap’s antibacterial properties can prevent or treat secondary bacterial infections caused by scabies, itching, and open sores.
  • Due to its cleansing activity, tetmosol soap, which is generally used for medical purposes, can also be used for general skin care. This effectively removes dirt and pollutants from the skin.
  • Due to its antiparasitic and calming qualities, tetmosol soap provides relief from itching by lowering the impulse to scratch, which can exacerbate skin disorders.
  • Tetmosol soap is an excellent item for personal hygiene that can be used to wash the body, particularly in places where skin disorders or infections are a concern.

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Drug Cost

Tetmosol Soap Cost in India

tablet / medicine price in india INR

A single soap bar of 75 to 100 gm retails for typically between 75 and 90 rupees in India.

Benefits and Side-effects

Benefits and Side-effects of Tetmosol Soap

benefits and side effects of the medicine

Benefits of Tetmosol Soap:

  • Tetmosol Soap, which contains monosulfiram, is useful for treating disorders like scabies because it is effective against skin parasites like mites.
  • Tetmosol Soap relieves itching and irritation in addition to getting rid of parasites that cause skin disorders like scabies.
  • In addition to its antiparasitic qualities, Tetmosol Soap’s antibacterial activity not only prevents or treats bacterial infections from scratching and open sores brought on by skin disorders.
  • Tetmosol Soap is a multipurpose item that helps with skin hygiene and cleaning by efficiently removing dirt, pollutants, and extra oil from the skin.
  • Tetmosol Soap is crucial for controlling skin disorders and speeding healing when used as a part of an all-encompassing healthcare strategy.

Side-Effects of Tetmosol Soap:

  • Some people may have mild skin dryness, redness, or irritation from tetmosol soap; these side effects can be addressed by using the soap less frequently or temporarily ceasing to use it.
  • Although allergic reactions to the components of soap are uncommon, if you feel itching, rash, swelling, or trouble breathing, stop using the product and get help right away.
  • Tetmosol soap can cause skin to become flaky or sensitive if used excessively.
  • It’s important to observe the usage recommendations when using tetmosol soap because it shouldn’t be used on the face, close to the eyes, or on mucous membranes.
  • Tetmosol Soap’s effectiveness could be affected by interactions with other topical treatments or drugs. If using the same product in the same place, get medical advice.
  • If you’re pregnant, talk to your doctor before taking tetmosol soap to ensure safety for yourself and your baby.

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Composition of Tetmosol Soap

Monosulfiram (5% w/w) is the principal active component of Tetmosol Soap. A chemical substance called monosulfiram is well known for having antibacterial and antiparasitic effects. 

medicine / drug / tablet composition

It is frequently used to treat a variety of infections and parasitic infections-related skin problems. Additional components are used in Tetmosol Soap’s formulation, which helps the soap’s purifying and medicinal effects.

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Safety Advice

Safety Advice for Tetmosol Soap

Here are some safety advice and guidelines to consider when using Tetmosol Soap:




  • Before using Tetmosol Soap, especially if you have a specific skin condition, it’s advisable to consult a dermatologist or healthcare provider.
  • Read and follow the instructions provided on the soap’s packaging or as advised by your healthcare provider.
  • Tetmosol Soap should not be used on the face, near the eyes, or on mucous membranes. Use it only in the areas indicated by your healthcare provider.
  • Perform a patch test on a small area of skin before using the soap for the first time to observe any adverse reactions.
  • If you experience itching, redness, rash, swelling, or any other signs of an allergic reaction after using the soap, discontinue use and seek medical attention if needed.
  • Keep Tetmosol Soap away from your eyes. If accidental contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with water.
  • After using Tetmosol Soap, consider applying a moisturizer to prevent over-drying of the skin, especially if you experience any dryness or irritation.
  • Store Tetmosol Soap in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. Keep it out of reach of children and pets.

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