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Punarnavasava Syrup

by Anjita Yadav

Punarnavasava is the fermented product containing 5-10% of alcoholic quantity with ample ayurvedic herbs present possessing many uses for treating certain body problems.

Overview Punarnavasava Syrup

The fact about it is that the alcoholic quantity present in it is basically self-generated alcohol which along with water works as a source for dissolving herbal components which are soluble in water and alcohol to our body.

This syrup includes Vitamin C due to presence of Amla, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties are in Musta, pipali helps in supporting digestion, haritaki helps in detoxification, dashmool is the only one ingredient with 10 properties and helps in anti-inflammatory and elixir revitalizing properties.

Other than this, one more ingredient, Vidanga helps in assisting metabolism properties like digestion and detoxification. So, let’s move forward and know about deep insights of Punarnavasava syrups, its uses, cost, side effects, composition, its replacements, and safety advice related to it


Overview Punarnavasava Syrup


Uses Punarnavasava Syrup

Uses Punarnavasava Syrup

It is recommended for certain disorders related to our body like edema, swelling, inflammatory conditions, ascites, fever, distension, liver disorders, abdominal tumor, hyperacidity, gastritis, splenomegaly.

Specially recommended in conditions like iron deficiency, and dropsy. 

Moreover, it has diuretic properties and even helps in treating liver problems as well. It various uses include:

  • Supports renal function
  • Digestion improvements
  • Treating respiratory problems
  • Helps in treating oedema
  • Natural detoxifier
  • Immunity booster
  • Regulating fluid retention due to its diuretic properties
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Cleanses liver
  • Relieves constipation
  • Helps in maintaining asthma and bronchitis
  • Removes toxins from kidney
  • Maintains healthy kidney function

Have a look at Combiflam syrup uses.

Drug Cost

Punarnavasava Syrup Cost in India

tablet / medicine price in india INR

This syrup is cheaply available in Indian online apps which will cost you around Rs 170 to 250/- for 450 ml bottle.

Get information aboutAbhayarishta syrup

Benefits and Side-effects

Side-effects of Punarnavasava Syrup

Benefits and Side-effects of Punarnavasava Syrup

Side effects

Though it’s generally safe but can cause certain side effects in moderate conditions:

  • Gastrointestinal pain that include minor stomach pain or loose stools
  • Hypotension may occur due to excessive drinking
  • Allergic reactions who are allergic any of the ingredient present in it

You can also look at Hempushpa syrup uses.


Composition of Punarnavasava Syrup

medicine / drug / tablet composition

This Punarnavasava syrup includes many ayurvedic herbs tossed together. They are mentioned below with their biological names:

Ayurvedic Herb Biological Name Quantity Part of plant used
Shunthi Zingiber officinale 16 g Rhizome
Marich Piper nigrum 16 g Fruit
Pippali Piper longum 16 g Fruit
Haritaki Terminalia chebula 16 g Fruit rind
Bibhitaki Terminalia belerica 16 g Fruit rind
Amala Embelica officinalis fruit
Daruharidra Berberis aristata 16 g stem
Gokshura Tribulus terrestris 16 g Root/whole plant
Kantakari Solanum xanthocarpum 16 g Root/whole plant
Brihati Solanum indicum 16 g Root/whole plant
Vasa Adhatoda vasica 16 g Root
Eranda moola Ricinus communis 16 g Castor root
Kutaki Picrorhiza kurroa 16g Root
Gajpipal Scindapsus officinalis 16g Fruit
Punarnava Boerhaavia diffusa 16g Root
Nimb Melia azadirachta
Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia 16g stem
Sukhi Muli Rephanus satvus 16 g root
Javasa Fagonia arabica 16 g root
Patola Patra Trichosanthus dioica 16 g leaf
Dhataki Pushp Woodfordia fruticosa 256 g flower
Draksha Vitis Vinifera 320 g fruit
Sharkara Sugar 1.6 kg
Madhu Honey 800 g
Jal Water (q.s) 8.19 litres

Explore more aboutKumaryasava


Substitute to Punarnavasava Syrup

There are many other ayurvedic preparation with same uses as provided by this syrup if it is untreatable with this syrup and these are:

  • Triphala churna which is very popular one used for digestion
  • Varunadi Kwath
  • Guggulu Gokshuradi

Here is Punarnavarishta.

Safety Advice

Safety Advice for Punarnavasava Syrup


  • Take as much quantity as mentioned by the doctor, overdosing might result in other body problems.
  • Please note that it is not recommended during pregnancy and also to breast-feeding mothers.
  • For people with pre-existing gastritis, must take care while taking asava syrup, better to take it with little ghee and avoid consuming Punarnavasava syrup at night.
  • It might interact with allopathic medicines. So, better to consult a doctor and inform them about any medicines you are taking before consuming this syrup.
  • So, if the situation arises that you have to consume both ayurvedic and allopathic medications. Then you should go with consuming allopathic medicine and then taking a gap of 30-45 min, consume ayurvedic syrup to avoid any interaction.
  • On positive note, this ayurvedic preparation has no interaction with homeopathic medicine
  • It is recommended safe for kids below the age of 5 years but at lower dose only.
  • It is recommended safe during the lactation period but only for short time duration and also only under physician’s supervision.
  • Better to buy syrup from recognized ayurvedic pharmacies for assuring product quality and safety 

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