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Maharasnadi Kwath

by Anjita Yadav

Diseases are a hard thing to deal with.Even a mild cough and cold brings a lot of trouble to our quality of life. Disease are sort of unwanted thing that brings uneasiness and lack of comfort along with it.Medications or chemical based drugs do provide instant relief but comes with large number of side effects.

Overview Maharasnadi Kwath

Maharasnadi Kwath is used for the treatment of problems like filariasis,arthritis and paralysis. Mainly it is used to treat them.All these are related with skin problems,joint issues or bodily issues.It is prescribed by a physician to treat them.

In this blog we will talk about Maha rasnadi kwath and about the things that make it the best choice for being a good medication. So let us begin with Maha rasnadi kwath and its wonders.


Overview Maharasnadi Kwath


Uses Maharasnadi Kwath

Uses Maharasnadi Kwath

Maha rasnadi kwath is to be used as per the consultation of a physician. Dosage may vary according to age group. Dosage is as follows-

  • In adults it is to be used as per prescribed amount and it is to be taken with lukewarm water.Course duration may vary according to the prescribed dosage.It is to be taken orally.
  • In most of the cases frequency remains twice daily. In older individuals it is to be taken with lukewarm water as in the case of adults. 
  • The course of duration may vary according to the current condition.It is taken orally.In most of the cases frequency remains twice daily.

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Benefits and Side-effects

Benefits and Side-effects of Maharasnadi Kwath

Benefits and Side-effects of Maharasnadi Kwath


As mentioned earlier, Maharasnadi Kwath is primarily used for treatment of arthritis,paralysis and filariasis.Besides that it has some other benefits too. Maharasnadi Kwath is used for the treatment of-

  • Issues like joint pain.
  • Vaginitis which is associated with inflammation of vagina or vulva.
  • Flatulence.
  • Arthritis associated with joint pains.
  • Paralysis which causes loss of movement in particular body parts or in the whole body.
  • Constipation.
  • Issues related to indigestion.
  • Filariasis which is caused by roundworms.

All these are the health benefits of Maharasnadi Kwath and it is used for treatment of these diseases.

Side Effects

Maha rasnadi kwath originated with the help of all natural ingredients so there are no such hazardous side effects. But it is always  prescribed to consult a doctor before starting the course of intake.

As per the condition of the patient it is to be used and in cases of emergency one should always consult their doctor. Natural ingredients are usually safe to consume but the effects may vary according to the person and their inner health. A supervision is always recommended.

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Composition of Maharasnadi Kwath

Maharasnadi Kwath like other ayurvedic medicines is completely nature originated.It is packed with all pure and natural products which help treating the problem with no or minimum side effects.Let us talk about the main ingredients that reside in Maharasnadi Kwath.Main ingredients of Maharasnadi Kwath are as follows-

medicine / drug / tablet composition

  • Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is rich in compounds that are proven to be effective in boosting the immune functions of the body.It is used for reducing inflammation.Along with this it has many good benefits of balancing sugar,reducing mental and physical stress.It is known for providing good sleep.
  • Fennel: Fennel is another compound that is actively present in Maharasnadi Kwath and fennel is used for its anti-inflammatory properties.It is a boon for healthy skin.Fennel is also rich in antioxidants which can help in dealing with oxidative stress and can manage skin issues.Fennel is helpful in maintaining weight too.
  • Atis: Atis is known for providing great metabolic benefits and helps in treating the issues of indigestion.It is also a good compound for maintaining healthy weight.Atis is further known for its great benefits of providing cure to some respiratory issues too.
  • Gokshura: It is used for a healthy kidney and promotes kidney health which is beneficial in removing excess uric acid and maintaining a good level of it.It is further used for treating women related issues and can reduce anti inflammation.The properties of reducing high blood pressure makes it a better compound.

As you can see , all these ingredients are rich in their anti-inflammatory properties along with antioxidants rich properties which provide boon to healthy skin.

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Substitute to Maharasnadi Kwath

Maha rasnadi kwath is also taken to treat issues related to indigestion and constipation. Some home remedies are there that can help get rid of constipation and indigestion issues.

  • Use neem and turmeric balls in small proportions to get the benefit of a healthy stomach.
  • Include fibre in your diet for a good stomach.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Include more fluids to your diet.
  • Avoid eating junk food and prefer eating fresh food.
  • For healthy joints, always try to include physical exercise in your daily schedule.
  • Keep your skin healthy by adding berries to your diet and try chia seeds along with citrus fruits.
  • Keep yourself stress free and stay happy,because your happy life and healthy life both are highly correlated.

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Safety Advice

Safety Advice

Fact Box

Fact Box Maharasnadi Kwath

  • Brand name-Maha rasnadi kwath.
  • Active ingredients-Giloy,ashwagandha,fennel,atis,gokshura,etc.
  • Uses-Help fighting stomach issues,filariasis,indigestion,paralysis,skin infections,constipation,vaginitis ,etc.
  • Dosage-Adults and older individuals should take dosage as per prescription and should consume it with lukewarm water.
  • Storage-Store in a dry and cool place.Keep it away from direct sunlight.Keep away from reach of children.
  • Safety-generally safe but overdose is prohibited.Consult a doctor before using.
  • Availability-Available in online and offline stores too.

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