Home » Phlegm in the Throat – Understanding Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies

Phlegm in the Throat – Understanding Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies

by Anjita Yadav

Throat irritation caused by phlegm is a widely experienced syndrome that can be both bothersome and uncomfortable. Some people may just dismiss it as a minor problem yet thick phlegm can literally make your life miserable.

This complete guide will do its best to enlighten you of the causes, symptoms and the proper cure to phlegm in the throat, thus to enable you to breathe a lot easily and feel much better. 

Understanding Phlegm 

Pulmonary Phlegm is thick liquid that lines the respiratory tract particularly the lungs and the lower respiratory tract. It serves a vital function in capturing and removal of the foreign bodies, bacteria, as well as allergens.

Understanding Phlegm

Phlegm is an ordinary secretion formed in the process of protecting the body’s lining, though when it is produced in large amounts, it may cause coughing and the desire to clear the throat. 

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Diagnosis of the causes of phlegm in the throat

 There are several causes of the formation of phlegm all through the year, including the following. Knowing these causes can assist you in better ways to tackle the problem. 


Respiratory Infections 

  • Cold and Flu: Flu or the cold is a perfect example of a regular viral infection that may largely contribute to increased mucus production in an effort the body makes to try and eliminate this infection. 
  • Sinusitis: Sinusitis means an inflammation and swelling of the sinuses and therefore, mucus forms in the sinuses and drips down the throat is termed postnasal drip. 
  • Bronchitis: This is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes causing phlegm to become thick and a different color than it should be. 


  • Environmental Allergens: When exposed to allergens like pollen, dust or pet dander—this increases the production of mucus, as the body tries to expel them. 
  • Food Allergies: Some types of foods are known to trigger off an allergy which in turn result into excessive production of mucus. 

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Smoking and Pollutants 

  • Tobacco Smoke: Smoking has adverse effects on the respiratory system thus the lungs produce more phlegm to protect the lining. 
  • Air Pollution: Pollution within the atmosphere can cause ordinary or constant hack and cough. 

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) 

  •  Acid Reflux: Regurgitation of stomach acid into the esophagus may lead to increased throat irritation and thus increased mucus production as a mean of protection.

Chronic Respiratory Conditions 

  • Asthma: Patients with asthma are familiar with excessive mucus production and worse still, during an asthmatic episode. 
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): It can result to mucus build up in the airways, which makes the person to cough or clear the throat often. 

Signs of a Throat with Too Much Phlegm 

It is thus important to be able to identify these signs as a way of diagnosing the cause or these instances of a buildup of phlegm. 

Signs of a Throat with Too Much Phlegm

  • Frequent Throat Clearing: One of the signs that a person has too much phlegm in his throat is that he has a constant desire to feel that there is no phlegm in his throat. 
  • Coughing: A cough that produces sputum is a common sign but if the cough is productive and excess phlegm is present then it is effective. 
  • Difficulty Swallowing: Swallowing can be difficult or even painful when one has too much of mucus production. 
  • Wheezing or Shortness of Breath: Eventually they can even block the airways, so a person may experience wheezing, or shortness of breath if they have too much phlegm. 
  • Hoarseness or Sore Throat: Such habits as clearing the throat or coughing frequently may cause irritation of the vocal cords, and result to soar throat or hoarseness. 

Have a look at how to clean lungs.

Remedial Treatment for Phlegm that is Coated at the Back of the Throat 

Here are some recommendations which will help to relieve the discomfort that occurs with phlegm in the throat. These are folk remedies, drugs obtained from the chemist’s shop, and changes in diet and behavior. 

  • Stay Hydrated: Frequent intake of water is useful in the process of dilution of the mucus, hence easier to cough out. Flavored water or soups are also good ideas as well as hot teas, preferably herbal teas. 
  • Use a Humidifier: Use of a humidifier also blows moisture in the air thus helping to soften the mucus and ease breathing. This is particularly important during the dry winter period back home.
  • Gargle with Salt Water: Rinsing the throat with warm salty water is effective in minimising the irritation and softening the phlegm.

Over-the-Counter Medications

Over-the-Counter Medications

  • Expectorants: They are drugs that make it easier to at least make the mucus a bit less thick and therefore easier to bring up in a cough.
  • Decongestants: They are useful for giving relief from congestion and also help in decreasing the formation of mucus but they should not be consumed for long time and with lots of precaution. 
  • Avoid Irritants: It is therefore important to avoid exposure to irritants such as smoke, dust, and allergens since they may cause production of excessive throat clearing phlegm. If you smoke, it is high time you considered asking for help to quit.
  • Manage GERD: If phlegm is caused by acid reflux, then changes in diets as well as using drugs that minimizes the production of acid in the stomach will go along way in fighting the problem.

Practice Good Respiratory Hygiene

  • Nasal Irrigation: You can make use of the saline nasal spray or neti pot to provide a rinse to the nasal passages and to assist in getting rid of mucus and allergy causing agents. 
  • Steam Inhalation: Besides taking a hot shower or a bowl of hot water, steam from a hot shower or a bowl of hot water should be inhaled to soften phlegm. 
  • Consult a Healthcare Professional: If you experience those symptoms you should seek medical help especially if the symptoms persist after application of home remedies and other drugs that can be bought from the store. They can know the main cause and suggest the right treatment.

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It is never pleasant when there is a build up of phlegm at the back of the throat and knowing about the causes and signs is useful.

As shown earlier in this guide, there are wonderful remedies that can be implemented to deal with the instances of formation of phlegm and enhance respiratory system functionality.

It is always wise if you put severe symptoms or repetitive ones to the doctor for diagnosis to determine if they are signs of an underlying medical condition.

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