Home » Kwashiorkor: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention, and Side Effects

Kwashiorkor: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention, and Side Effects

by Anjita Yadav

Food is the basic necessity that is required by all. If the food is not given in adequate amounts then it may result in many different issues. Malnutrition is caused by the lack of food. Kwashiorkor is a disease associated with malnutrition in children.

Places where food is not present or where food is in lower amounts, children suffer from hunger there. It can cause kwashiorkor in them. We will discuss Kwashiorkor and its symptoms here. Many other things about this disease are shared and you can check it out.

The sections below will give you an idea about this particular disorder. The prevention and side effects will help you in knowing more about it.

Symptoms of kwashiorkor

There are some visible symptoms of this condition that one can notice. The main symptoms associated with it are shared as follows. Check them out.

Symptoms of kwashiorkor

  • Bloating in the stomach occurs in children.
  • Fatty liver disease is also caused with its arrival.
  • Peeling of skin can be noticed.
  • One may feel dehydrated.
  • Loss of appetite occurs.
  • Growth is hindered in the children.
  • One may feel irritated.
  • Hair loss is also noticed.
  • Fluids can cause swelling in the children. 

Have a look at how to keep liver healthy.

Causes of kwashiorkor

These symptoms are noticed in children. Treatment is required for the development of children. The causes for the same are discussed in the next section.There are many causes of this condition. The causes for this are shared and you can check them out. 

Causes of kwashiorkor

  • The unavailability of proper food is the leading cause.
  • If the consumer only consumes carbohydrates in extreme amounts then also it can cause this condition.
  • Some infections like HIV can cause this too.
  • Deprivation and other stress related things are also the causes of Kwashiorkor. 
  • Shortage of antioxidants can also cause this.

These are the main causes of this condition. Diagnosis can be the first step towards treatment of this condition. 

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Complications and side effects

Kwashiorkor has some complications and side effects related to it. Learn more about the complications and side effects by checking the points below.

  • It can cause low blood volume in individuals.
  • Immune system may fail or it may weaken. Many other diseases may impact the individual.
  • One may suffer from low body temperature.
  • Blood sugar related complications are also one of the complications.
  • It alters the quality of life.

All these are the common complications and side effects of this condition. They can last longer and it is important to provide proper treatment to it. 

Diagnosis of Kwashiorkor

The diagnosis of kwashiorkor is done with the help of a physical examination and then some blood tests are also performed. The methods of diagnosing this are shared as follows. 

Diagnosis of Kwashiorkor

  • Blood urea nitrogen test is performed.
  • Levels of potassium are checked.
  • Urinalysis is performed.
  • Complete blood count is performed.
  • Creatinine is tested. 

Doctor will assign the test accordingly. Get the best treatment and then step towards the journey of healing. Check the treatment that is given to the people or children with kwashiorkor.

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Treatment of Kwashiorkor

The treatment of kwashiorkor is to be given under medical health professionals. Doctors may assign a proper diet chart to the individual. The diet may include carbohydrates, protein, vitamins , etc. Water will help in overcoming dehydration.

In some cases where kwashiorkor impacts the heart health or other organs, doctors give treatment accordingly. It’s best to contact the doctor as soon as possible. The complications can be hard to deal with. Proper care and attention can help in best recovery.

Prevention of the Kwashiorkor

This condition can be prevented by eating the right amount of food. One needs to monitor the good food with the right amount of protein. Places where food is not available, there is a proper supply of food to be provided. The points that will tell you about the Kwashiorkor prevention are shared as follows.

Prevention of the Kwashiorkor

  • Eat the proper amount of food that has the right carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins in it.
  • Make sure to keep an eye on the physical function of the body. Notice the changes and take proper steps to prevent it.
  • Attention is to be given properly to the older adults and children. These two groups may face a lot of difficulties if they suffer from this condition.
  • Check out the symptoms in early stages and then contact the doctor for further treatment. It will help in prevention from complications.

By following these few things you can save children and other people from this condition. Proper attention and prevention can save many from its harmful complications.

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Food sources that are rich in protein

People or children who suffer from this condition need protein in their food. The best sources of protein that one can have for fulfilling the deficiency are shared as follows.

Food sources that are rich in protein

  • Eggs are a good source of protein and it’s best to consume them. They can help in getting protein.
  • Beans are also a good source of protein. Including them in diet can be great.
  •  Various Seeds are present that can be helpful.
  • Eating nuts can fulfil the need of vitamins and minerals too.

Government agencies need to make sure that proper things are provided to the places where people suffer from this condition. Maintaining a good diet is the first step towards dealing with this condition. Doctors and other healthcare professionals can assist in sorting this issue.

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Kwashiorkor is a condition where the child is very thin but the abdomen is swollen. It results from poor diet and deficiencies. Places where poverty is high and food is not available , this condition is commonly seen. 

One needs to take care of children and older adults by providing them good food, diet. This blog is all about Kwashiorkor and its prevention including side effects and complications. Check this blog and then get a deeper understanding of this condition. 

Protein rich diets can be very helpful in overcoming this. Doctors, government can help the specific places where this condition is common by providing the perfect resources.

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