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What Are The Uses of Bhringraj?

by Anjita Yadav

Bhringraj, which is commonly known by its name as false daisy, is the common weed available in India. Bhringraj, with scientific name Eclipta prostrata.

It contains many chemical ingredients which are used now as medicinal purposes for treating certain problems. The scientific classification of Bhringraj includes:

  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Family: Asteraceae
  • Order: Asterales
  • Genus: Eclipta
  • Species: E. prostrata

It is an Ayurvedic herb that is very well known for its ability to support strong, healthy and shiny hair and prevent premature graying of hair. It is also popularly known in India with another name as, Kesharaj, or “King of the Hair” for its ability of protection of hair.

It helps to rejuvenate “pitta dosha” which means it has bitter, pungent and sweet rasa, rasa man’s taste and also has a cooling effect on the nervous system, most importantly pungent vipaka, it means after after digestion.

Other than promoting hair growth, it also helps in treating skin disorders, liver problems, increasing stamina, and also increasing energy level.

Other Names of Bhringraj Includes


  • Bhringraj
  • Bhringraj
  • False daisy
  • Bhangra
  • Karisalankanni
  •  Bengali – Kesaria
  •  Telugu – Galgara
  •  Marathi – Maka
  •  Sanskrit – Keshraj, Bhringraj, Bhangra, Markav, Keshranjan 
  • Gujarati – Bhangro

It is available in the form of over-the-counter (OTC) products as a supplement and even as cosmetic products. They are also included as active ingredients in certain products for hair loss treatment like shampoos, bhringraj oil etc.

Have a look at bharangi plant.

Let’s dive into the ayurvedic properties of Bhringraj:

  •  Rasa – Katu, Tikta 
  • Virya – Ushna 
  • Guna –Ruksha, Laghu 
  • Dosha karma – Mainly reduces Kapha dosha and pacifies Vata dosha.
  • Vipaka – Katu 

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Chemical Constituents

There are many chemical compounds present in this herb which makes it used as per medicinal purposes. The chemical constituents in it are as follows:


  • Alkaloids
  • Ecliptine
  • Nicotine
  • Wedelolactione element 
  • Coumestans
  • Saponins glycosides
  • Flavonoids
  • Thiopenes
  • Polyacetylenes

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Medicinal Uses of Bhringraj


You should also knowChangeri benefits

  • Treats high blood pressure: This plant can help in treating high blood pressure that is hypertension in adults who are suffering from mild hypertensive problems.
    It works as a diuretic that helps in removing more sodium ions through urine and thus lowering blood pressure. Though there is not enough research available, using its leaves powder orally 3 times daily helps in treating this problem.
  • Treating high cholesterol levels: There are many research studies available which show that Bhringraj helps to reduce bad cholesterol in blood and thus lowering the chances of heart problems. It helps to reduce triglycerides, low density cholesterol, and lipoproteins.
  • Improves hair loss: There is no doubt in the fact that bhringraj is used for the treatment of hair loss. There are many products which include bhringraj as an active ingredient stocked up in the market which promises to treat hair loss.
    Bhringraj has been used since ages in ancient India for promoting hair growth as well as preventing early greying of hairs. In one of the research, it has been proved that bhringraj helped in growth of hair on albino rats.
    The bhringraj oil available in the market has been reported to treat dandruff problems as well. But no research is available on humans, though there are certain facts about its proof.
  • Treats pruritus
  • Urticaria
  • Treats loss of appetite
  • Jaundice
  • Drishti vardhak
  • Hepatic stimulant
  • Anti-flatulent
  • Anthelmintic
  • Carminative
  • Cholagogue
  • Neuroprotective
  • Piles
  • Abdominal pain
  • Skin blisters

It helps in the treatment of skin problems like blisters and skin eruptions which are caused due to imbalance in the kapha and pitta system of our body. It also helps in treatment of chronic wounds and atopic dermatitis.

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  • Severe allergic reactions
  • Contraindicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding 
  • Frequent urination so contraindicated in patients with overactive bladder
  • Can cause liver toxicity at high doses. So, consult a physician for doses to avoid it.
  • To consult a physician for adults with age above 65 years as adults are sensitive to certain medications at this age.
  • Talk to a physician before giving it to children as it might cause liver problems at a smaller age.\

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  • With anti-hypertensive medications
  • With cholesterol medications
  • With urinary related medications

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Ayurvedic Formulations of Bhringraj


  • Bhringraj churna
  • Bhringraj oil
  • Bhringraj ghrit 
  • Bhringraj Adi churna 
  • Bhringrajasava 
  • Gunjadi oil 
  • Mahabhringraj oil 
  • Narasimha Rasayanam 
  • Neelibhringadi oil 
  • Shadbindu oil 
  • Sutshekhar ras 

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