
Solanum Xanthocarpum-A Talk About Solanum Xanthocarpum

With various admirable names like yellow berried nightshade, Indian nightshade or thai green eggplant, Solanum xanthocarpum is known for its medicinal values. It has various distinct features which are studied and widely used for various purposes.

Solanum xanthocarpum plant has sinuated leaves. The leaves are unequally paired and have a blade measuring 4 to 9 cm × 2.5 cm. Stalks have a length measuring 2-3.5 cm. This plant is cultivated in the regions of himalayas, Australia and polynesian region.

With all these various features and with a bunch of cute names this plant makes it more interesting to study about it. In this blog we together will try to learn about its basic features and some specific features too which makes it more considerate. So let us begin.

Classification of solanum xanthocarpum

Let us talk about the  classification of solanum xanthocarpum. Classification of solanum xanthocarpum is as follows.

Classification of solanum xanthocarpum

  • It belongs to Kingdom: Plantae
  • It belongs to Clade: Tracheophytes
  • Clade: Angiosperms
  • Clade: Eudicots
  • Clade: Asterids
  • It belongs to Order: Solanales
  • It belongs to Family: Solanaceae
  • It belongs to Genus: Solanum

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Benefits of solanum xanthocarpum

We, being human, try to extract benefits from our surroundings in whatever way possible. This plant also holds lots of benefits which we will be discussing in this section. Benefits of solanum xanthocarpum includes-

Benefits of solanum xanthocarpum

  • This plant is rich in phytoconstituents such as solasonine. Along with this there are various phytoconstituents too which are used for its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • This plant is rich in antibacterial properties too.
  • Antimicrobial and analgesic properties are also well known.
  • This plant is mainly used to fight off different allergies.
  • This plant helps in wound healing.
  • It acts as a diuretic compound too.
  • It has antioxidant rich properties.

With all these options now it is clear how rich this plant is and how beneficial it is.

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Uses of Solanum xanthocarpum

Let us discuss how this plant is used specifically to treat and handle various issues. This plant is specifically used for-

Uses of Solanum xanthocarpum

  • Acting as an antipyretic , it is used to reduce fever.
  • It used to treat coughing.
  • It helps by giving relief in burning sensations that might be felt on skin.
  • It acts as antiasthmatic too.
  • It is rich in properties that help to deal with heart diseases.
  • It is useful for fighting allergies.

These were few ways in which this plant provides benefits and for which it is used.

You can also look at pterocarpus marsupium.

Consumption of solanum xanthocarpum

Whenever we start consuming a medicinal plant in any of its forms then it must be taken care of how the consumption should be done. Consumption can be done in various forms.

Consumption of solanum xanthocarpum

  • The leaves can be blended and a paste can be made out of it. It can help in treating skin infections and can be used or applied externally.
  • Juices can be made of this plant and can be consumed. It has great liver protecting and memory enhancing features.
  • Many kinds of herbal supplements are available too which can be consumed.

IT is to be noted that a consultation should always be done earlier before beginning with any of the supplements. An expertised holding doctor can help you to choose the perfect dosage amount of consuming this plant and can advise supplements too.

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How to consume this plant as home remedies

This plant can be used for various purposes and it can be used in home remedies to mild fever or cough. One can use it by-

How to consume this plant as home remedies

  •  By Crushing and grinding the roots of this plant a decoction is made and can be consumed twice daily for fighting fever.
  • For treating cough the roots can be made in the powdery form and can be consumed with honey .
  • For skin a paste can be made and can be used externally.
  • For getting relief from asthma powder is advised to be consumed with honey or ghee.

Like this one can use this plant for getting relief from specific symptoms.

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Precautions to be taken care of while consuming solanum xanthocarpum

Although the benefits of solanum xanthocarpum are well known, few precautions are needed to be taken care of while or before using it. Consider these following points while consuming this-

Precautions to be taken care of while consuming solanum xanthocarpum

  • If you are someone who is breastfeeding or if a woman is pregnant then it is mandatory for them to consult a doctor before its consumption.
  • If you are suffering from severe liver or heart disease then one should seek treatment under a specialised doctor.
  • Children and elderly are also advised to consult a specialist before beginning with this.
  • Do not keep consuming any of its extract if you see side effects for a longer period of time.

Always have a consultation before beginning.

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Side effects of solanum xanthocarpum

The side effects of this plant are as follows-

Side effects of solanum xanthocarpum

  • It is of hot potency so care is to be taken.
  • This plant if consumed for a longer time than advised then it can cause various issues.
  • Irritation can happen.

Always consult a doctor.

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Additional tips for boosting the immune system to fight allergies

Seasonal changes can bring allergies and one may feel it difficult to deal with them. These few mentioned points here can be helpful for dealing and staying away from allergies.

Additional tips for boosting the immune system to fight allergies

The points that one can consider for taking care of themselves and their immune system to save from allergies are as follows-

  • Wash your face and hands directly after coming home. Do not directly start eating after coming home.
  • Add fruits and vegetables according to your diet. Add seasonal vegetables.
  • A rinsing out routine can help in removing excess mucus from the nose.
  • Drink plenty of water and consume fluids.It will help maintain hydration.
  • Get a steam in case of nasal congestion.
  • Add citrus items in your diet.
  • Try to consume amla.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Think good and surround yourself with positivity.

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These few points can help you in dealing with allergies and one can boost up the immune system by properly maintaining the diet . Your immune system is very important so do not forget to take care of it.

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