
Dudhi Plant: Scientific Name, Uses and More to know

The ayurvedic nature of natural herbs is really mesmerising. One can choose the best herb for great use. Dudhi is known for its good medicinal properties and for its great health benefits. The scientific name of the Dudhi plant is Euphorbia hirta

It is well known for its properties and commonly it is termed as lal dudhi. You can know about its other variants too. Dudhi is packed with great benefits.

Let us talk about the Dudhi plant in detail and check how it works. You will learn more about Euphorbia thymifolia too which is its variant.

Know about the Dudhi plant and adapt some of its positive features. Enjoy this plant and check how it helps you in overcoming issues. Things related to this plant are shared as follows.

Common names of Dudhi plants

There are many other names of dudi plants and the diversity of names makes it famous according to different names. The common names of Dudhi plants are shared as follows.

Common names of Dudhi plants

  • In Sanskrit it is termed as Dugdhika.
  • You can call this plant in Hindi as Dudhi or dudhee.
  • It is also named as an asthma plant.
  • In Telugu it is Nanabala.
  • Dudhe jar is a name in Nepal.
  • The English name is pill pod, garden spurge, etc.

Euphorbia thymifolia is another variant that is known as choti dhudhi. It is also very common and has large benefits. You can check the image of choti dudhi here. Euphorbia hirta is termed as badi dudhi. The benefits of asthma plants or badi dudhi are shared as follows.

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Euphorbia hirta benefits

We will begin with Euphorbia hirta benefits. Check out what kind of benefits Euphorbia hirta offers. The main benefits that one can have from Euphorbia hirta are shared as follows.

Euphorbia hirta benefits

  • Leaves of Dudhi plant are known to heal the bleeding. It can induce cooling to the wound.
  • It is a perfect remedy for cold and cough. One can use this herb for getting relief from cough.
  • Diarrhoea can also be treated with help of Euphorbia hirta.
  • In some cases mothers can breastfeed their child after giving birth. In that case this plant can help in secretion of milk in the mother’s breast.
  • If you are having cracked lips then you can use this plant.
  • Dudhi grass is good for boils, infections.

These are some of the main uses of the Dudhi plant. You can use this plant as per your need but take care of the dosage. Exceeding the limit of dosage can cause many issues.

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Indian ayurvedic medicine uses and product names of dudhi

In India ayurveda the use of dudhi is really essential. It is used by many people. The medicines and products of dudhi in Indian ayurvedic are many. Let us share what kind of medicines and products are available.

  • Ayurvedic Dudhi powder that can give you a good dose of antioxidants can be used. It can be taken as a source of vitamin c too. The rate of this ayurvedic product or medicine of Dudhi is Rs 800.
  • Choti Dudhi swaras are good for respiratory illnesses. Dudhi is very excellent for respiratory issues and one can use it. The price of choti dudhi swaras is Rs 315 only.
  • Dudhi oil is known for its power of nourishments. Give your hair a smooth touch and a good nourishment by using dudhi oil. Dudhi oil and its benefits can be taken at a reasonable price.
  • Herbal juice of Dudhi is available and it can be included in diet. Medicinal properties and uses of Euphorbia hirta are many and juice can help in many ways. But it is at Rs 250 only.
  • Spurge tablets can help in many ways. Spurge tablets are known in modern and ancient times.

You can get these products online or you can make the medicine of Dudhi on your own. If you are dealing with a serious issue then you need to consult a doctor. Consultation can give a great relief. Keep checking the side effects too and ask the doctor if they persist long.’

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Holoptelea integrifolia and its common name

Just like Euphorbia hirta, Holoptelea integrifolia is also a very common and beneficial plant. It is known for its diverse range of uses. Common names of Holoptelea integrifolia are Monkey biscuit tree, papri, Jungle cork tree, Indian elm tree, etc.

Holoptelea integrifolia and its common name

Some of the medicinal uses of this tree are shared as follows and you can check them out.

  • It helps in regulating fat metabolism.
  • Its anti-inflammatory properties are good too.
  • In treatment of malaria it is used.
  • For infections one can use this excellent plant.
  • Leaves are of great use.
  • Paste of bark is good in treatments.
  • It is known for its antibacterial activity.
  • If someone is dealing with fungal infections then also it can be used.

These were the common uses of Holoptelea integrifolia. One can use it according to need. Make sure that you are taking care of all the side effects like allergy, irritation, etc. Keep a contact with the Doctor for good improvements.

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Things to take care of while using ayurvedic herbs

While consuming or applying ayurvedic medicines you need to take care of some things. The main things that are to be taken care of are shared as follows.

  • When you begin applying paste of herbs then use it on your palm first to check the reaction.
  • Do not continue consuming it if it shows adverse side effects.
  • Always consult a doctor before starting any drug or herb.
  • Take proper medicines for physical health issues with consultation.

Follow these things and after talking to a professional doctor you need to continue using any herb.


Badi dudhi and choti dudhi both are very useful. Their uses are many and they are found in good regions. One can get many products of Euphorbia hirta and one can take benefits from it.

Start using dugdhi and other herbs after consulting with a professional doctor. Take care of health with help of Indian ayurvedic herbs.

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