Home » Brihati Or “Solanum Indicum”: An Ayurvedic Medicinal Marvel

Brihati Or “Solanum Indicum”: An Ayurvedic Medicinal Marvel

by Anjita Yadav

There are about 391,000 species known to the scientific community. Most of these plants are known for the benefits they provide to mankind. One such category of plants is medicinal herbs.

One very famous medicinal herb is Solanum Indicum, commonly known as Brihati. It finds extensive use in Ayurvedic medicine. 

Other Names Of Brihati

You might not be familiar with Brihati, but I am sure you have heard other names of it. Other than its scientific name, Solanum Indicum, it is also known by other vernacular names.


  • In the English language, one might commonly refer to it as Poison Berry, Bush Tomato, Indian Nightshade or African Eggplant.
  • If your mother tongue is Hindi, you might be familiar with Brihati as Vanabhanta
  • Its Bengali name is Rambegun.
  • Marathis might know it as Dorali.
  • The Urdu-speaking population might refer to it as Kateli.

Other than this many other vernacular names of Brihati are famous in different parts of the country and the world, for example, Mullamkatti, Kataai Kalaan, Papparamulli etc.

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Scientific Classification Of Solanum Indicum

It is from the Kingdom Plantae, the classification that includes the multicellular autotrophs.

Kingdom Plantae is included in the family Solanaceae, a family that also includes famous vegetables such as Potato and Brinjal. The genus is Solanum, and Species is indicum.

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Local Classification Of Brihati Plant

It comes under the famous ten roots of Ayurveda, the Dashamools or the Dashmula. It is a combination of Brihat Panchamoola and Laghu Panchamoola.

Solanum Indicum or Brihati comes under Laghu Panchamoola. These ten roots are constituents of major Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of respiratory ailments.

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Physical Properties Of Solanum Indicum

Brihati is a shrub known for its medicinal properties. 


Plant description:

  • Height0.3–1.5 m
  • Herb or shrub: Shrub
  • Xeric or mesic: Xeric
  • Habitat: Moist shady places, roadsides etc
  • Trunk: woody, purple and cylindrical. 
  • Leaves: Oval, sinuate, simple and large.
  • Spines: Sharp, 1-5 cm long
  • Flowers: Purple, bluish, 5 stamens, five petals.

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Why Is Brihati’s Name Confused With Eggplant/Brinjal?

Are Eggplant and Brihati the same? Short answer, no. 

Long answer, Eggplant is Solanum Melogena and Brihati is Solanum Indicum. These plants have a similar structure.

Therefore, both share a vernacular name called Kshudrabhantaki. Another name, based on the very same principle is Vartaki.

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Parts Of Brihati That Are Consumed

  • Roots
  • Leaves
  • And sometimes, fruits.

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Chemical Constituents Of Brihati 

Brihati is an ayurvedic medicinal wonder for the simple reason that it is filled with beneficial chemical contents from roots to leaves. All parts of this plant come with some medicinal component attributing it to a specific healing function.


Here are some examples of that:

  • Roots: Roots are the conventionally most used part of Brihati. They contain Solaine and Solasodine. These are bioactive alkaloids that enrich roots with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Leaves: Another widely consumed part of the plant, known for its nutritional value. It contains flavonoids. It contains lanosterol and solasonine.
  • Fruits: This part wasn’t conventionally consumed, but its popularity is growing by the virtue of glycosides and fatty acids present in them. It contains maltase and some fatty acids like linoleic acid, lauric acid etc. Usually, seed oil is used to extract these fatty acids and use them properly.

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Ayurvedic Properties Of Brihati 

Brihati is known for its mention in many Ayurvedic literature. Further, it has many known Ayurvedic properties.


They are as follows:

  • Rasa: This term defines the taste of a given substance. For brihati, the taste is pungent and bitter. The Ayurvedic term for it is Katu.
  • Guna means Quality or virtue of the given substance: For Brihati, guna can be defined as Light, dry and sharp. In Ayurvedic terms, you can describe it as Laghu, Ruksha and Tikshna.
  • Virya refers to the potency of a substance: For the given substance, Virya is Ushana, that is, heating. 
  • Vipaka: Vipaka, simply means what becomes of the said substance, in your body, post-digestion.

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Uses Of Brihati

There are many uses of Brihati, classified as follows:


  • Brihati for the respiratory system: Known to be a Shwasaapaha, it is used in asthma and other chronic respiratory disorders. Its anti-inflammatory properties further help relieve many respiratory ailments. Brihati is part of dashamoola, a group of ten roots, whose primary purpose in Ayurveda is to help with respiratory issues.
  • Brihati For Immunity: Known to treat Amadosha, it removes toxins, and Kandughna relieves itching and treats puritis. It complements the body’s immune system. So, consume brihati regularly to make yourself less prone to infections. It is a Jawarpaaha and relieves fever, one of the biggest indicators of fever.
  • Brihati, a dermatological miracle: Since it is a Kustaghna, it is known to treat skin issues. Its anti-inflammatory properties also help in treating skin problems. It is definitely an ayurvedic miracle for your dermatologist.
  • Brihati for Urinary Tract: The urinary tract is prone to infection and inflammation. So, Brihati’s anti-inflammatory properties help in that. It also relieves itching, one of the major symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections. It’s a Graahini, that is, it has absorptive properties. So, it helps with diarrhoea and IBS. It maintains the proper functioning of the Urinary tract.
  • Brihati for the digestive system: Brihati is an excellent way to ensure healthy digestion. It is also a Graahini, hence helps in absorption. It’s a Charrdi and helps in preventing Vomiting. A mandagni, so it improves digestive health and a Pachaani, so it aids digestion.
  • Brihati for the reproductive system: Brihati has multiple benefits for your reproductive system, especially if infertility is your problem. It’s a Vandhyanam apathyada, as it helps in treating female infertility. It also helps treat male infertility.

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Side Effects Of Solanum Indicum

There are no known side effects as such, but physician advice should be taken when giving it to children or pregnant and lactating mothers. 


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How To Use Brihati? 

  • In powdered form.
  • As a paste to apply externally.
  • In the form of decorations.

To conclude, Brihati or Solanum Indicum is an amazing Ayurvedic herb that can treat multiple ailments. Many such amazing gems are hidden in nature in plain sight. That is why we need to conserve biodiversity so that we can preserve such gifts of nature.

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