
Aragwadha Plant: Medical Uses & Benefits

This plant is an old Indian herb that is considered very useful in treating skin disease. It is helpful in treating constipation too. The main benefits are not limited to this extent.

It has many other things and features that can help an individual suffering from other conditions.The tree of Aragwadha is 20 to 30 feet tall. Flowers and leaves are used along with bark to treat many conditions.

We will explore the Aragwadha plant in the following sections.  It is known as amaltas in hindi. It is a medium- sized herb. Let us start exploring this herb by uncovering all the potential uses of this.  The classifications of this plant are as follows.

Scientific classification of Aragwadha plant

Scientific classification of this plant is shared as follows-


  • It belongs to Kingdom: Plantae
  • Clade: Tracheophytes
  • Clade: Angiosperms
  • Clade: Eudicots
  • Clade: Rosids
  • Order: Fabales
  • The Family is: Fabaceae
  • Subfamily: Caesalpinioideae
  • Genus: Cassia
  • Species: fistula.

Scientific name of this herb is Cassia fistula. It has many more other names by which it is called.

Have a look at agaru plant.

Aragvadha plant main uses

The main uses of this plant are discussed in this section-


  • It is also known as the golden tree flower and the flowers of this tree are eaten by people.
  • The leaves are used by cattles to feed them.
  • Aragwadha is known as a disease killer thus used to kill disease.
  • It is used as a laxative.
  • Paste of flowers is applied on pimples to heal them.
  • It is used for decreasing swelling.
  • It acts as a good antiseptic.
  • It is super good for diabetes.

All these are main uses of Aragwadha plant. It is also known as the Canadian konna plant. Other popular names of this herb are shared as follows.

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Alternative names of Aragwadha plant

It is popularly known as-


  • In Bengali it is called Sondala.
  • In Punjabi it is called amaltas.
  • In malayalam it is known as konna.
  • Rela is its Telugu name.
  • In kashmiri it is known as kriyangal phali.
  • In kannada it is known as aragvadha.

One can call it according to all these names. Do not get confused as all of these stands for one single herb.

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Morphology of this herb

The morphology is discussed as follow-


  • It is a medium sized tree.
  • The stem is erect and branched. It is greenish in colour.
  • It is alternate and compound in the form of leaves. The pairs are 4 to 8 in leaflets. Venation is reticulated.
  • Long axillary is the inflorescence.
  • Flowers are with long pedicles.
  • Flower is zygomorphic.
  • 5 sepals are present.
  • THere are 5 petals there.
  • Fruit is of legume type  and cylindrical in nature.

This is the morphology of this herb and one can detect it from all these features. Morphology plays a very great role as it helps in external identification.

Here is amalaki tree.

Amazing medicinal uses of Aragwadha

The amazing medical uses of Aragwadha are shared as follows-


  • It is really good for clearing wounds and ulcers.
  • It helps in controlling purulent discharge.
  • It helps by controlling water balance inside.
  • The bowel movement is made smoother with the help of this.
  • It is antiviral.
  • It is antipyretic in nature.
  • It helps in bloating.
  • It helps in cardiac disorders.

Thus one can see how good this herb is. All these are great medicinal uses of Aragwadha .

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Tips to use Aragwadha as home remedies

The home remedies of this herb are shared as follows-


  • The paste can be made of leaves and it can be applied on the skin. It treats skin in a good manner .
  • If someone is going through a parasitic infection then the juice can be used and it can be consumed on an empty stomach for getting relief from symptoms.
  • Bark of this plant is used and it is used for curing constipation. It helps in constipation by giving relief to the bowel movement.
  • The juice is made of buds and flowers and after this it can be consumed for jaundice.

These simple methods can help in getting relief from various symptoms. Use this plant wisley and have the best benefits.

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Are there some side effects of this herb?

Although there are no such side effects of this herb but one can experience the side effects if an individual have the overdose of this-


  • A feeling of uneasiness may be felt if it is consumed in larger doses.
  • Blood glucose levels are checked and then only this should be used.
  • It should be kept away from children.

All these are side effects of aragvadha but if you feel some other side effects then do consult your doctor immediately to save yourself from possible complications.

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Products of aragvadha to use

There are certain products that are used for having the benefit of aragvadha plant. The products are shared as follows-


  • Aragvadha plant pulp powder at the cost of Rs 595 to 670. It helps by promoting digestion.
  • Aragvadha oil with great benefits at the rate of Rs 2,700.
  • Fresh dried powder at Rs 271.
  • Herb extract of this plant at Rs 560.

You can buy it from various sites and one can check amazing discounts too for many benefits.

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Some therapeutic effects of aragvadha

Therapeutic effects of aragvadha are shared in this section. The effects or benefits are as follows-


  • The treating and healing properties of aravgadha are well known. It is super good and the antimicrobial properties are great.
  • It helps in reducing weakness and fatigue .
  • It is good for treating ulcers and wounds.
  • Intestinal problems are treated with the help of amaltas. Bacterial infections get cured.
  • Constipation also gets reduced by this.
  • It helps by strengthening the intestines.
  • It helps in diabetes too.
  • One can use it for urinary problems too.
  • Painful urination can be cured by this.

Also consider reading the bakula tree.


Thus it can be concluded that this herb plays a very great role in overraky functionality of the body and ken can use it accordingly for having most of its benefits.

Buy the products related to amaltas and see how they benefit you. Do not forget to consult a doctor if side effects are felt.

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