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Carom Seeds For Cherishing Benefits

by Anjita Yadav

Carom seeds or ajwain is a good hub of many benefits. Carom seeds are something that is available at every Indian household. Many people are well aware of carom seeds benefits.

This is also termed as bishop seeds sometimes. They have a bitter and pungent taste. They are more aromatic in nature. They are grown in indigenous regions of India, Iran and afghanistan.

Gujarat and Rajasthan are good cultivating regions of carom seeds plant in India. They are very rarely  eaten raw and mostly they are fried or roasted in ghee. 

In India carom seeds are part of a chunk which is known as tadka. Along with onions, garlic, and other spices the carom seeds are eaten perfectly in veggies.

In regions like Afghanistan they are sprinkled on threads. This blog will tell the main benefits of carom seeds and how they can be used.

Carom Seeds Role in Digestion

Carom seeds do play a great role in digestion. They help in digestion by alleviating the symptoms of indigestion such as bloating, gas.


Carom seeds are preferred because they help in the release of digestive enzymes. Thus they act as digestive aid. It is also believed that a bit of fried carom seeds can be gulped with water for getting released of trapped gas.

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Carom Seeds Fights Against Common Cold and Flu

Common cold and flu are seasonal. As the weather changes , they arrive. The immunity of an individual helps determine the recovery rate.


The anti-coughing properties of carom seeds helps in getting relief from coughs that occur due to flu. It helps in discharging mucus. Carom seeds are well known for treatment of asthma.

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Carom Seeds Dose For Skin Health

A good skin is needed and desired by all. The radicals damage to skin is something that needs the treatment. The anti-inflammatory rich properties of carom seeds are really great. It can help skin in following manners-


  • It can reduce wrinkles.
  • It reduce pimples 
  • Acne scars are treated by this.
  • A paste can be applied on the affected areas.

One should prefer doing a patch test on the skin before applying it on the face. It will help determine how suitable it can be for individuals as skin differs.

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Boost Journey of Weight Loss With Carom Seeds

These seeds are well known for their metabolism effects. One can lose pounds from drinking ajwain water on a regular basis.

It can boost the digestive properties of the stomach. It is good as  it removes the toxins from the body. Try to experiment on how ajwain water can help you lose fat.

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Carom Seeds for Periods 

Women go through many changes during menstruation. Period cramps are one of them. It is believed that carom seeds can help in relief of period cramps in women.


Leaves of ajwain  are also used in this case. It also supports good digestion during menstruation.

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Carom Seeds For Pregnant Women

Carom seeds can really play a good role in terms of taking care of the health of pregnant women. It aids in digestion and ensures that the metabolism of women is taken care of. Warm drinks of ajwain are used by women and the benefit is taken.

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Improve Levels of Cholesterol With Carom Seeds

High levels of cholesterol can cause many heart diseases. To reduce the risk associated with heart diseases one can control cholesterol levels with the help of carom seeds.


The carom seed powder is related to this and one can use it in diets to see how it impacts.

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Recipes of Carom Seeds to Try

Recipes are always good to try and one can experiment with the carom seeds recipes for having great taste. The recipes are as follows-


  • Carom seed milk along with turmeric will give your taste buds a refreshing feel. You can simply taste it in easy ways. It is good for the throat and can help fight ailments of sore throat.
  • If you have taste buds for parathas then ajwain’s parathe are the best to try. Add or sprinkle carom seeds on dough and see how great they will look and taste along with ghee and your favourite pickle.
  • Indian style potatoes along with carom seeds  are really cool. Make the potatoes by roasting them and add carom seeds on it for savoiri g the best taste. Add your favourite chutney to it.
  • Any of your favourite veggies can be made along with carom seeds. Use your favourite veggies or choose a salad to sprinkle carom seeds and enjoy both meals.

You can enjoy all these recipes. Adding from seeds will never disappoint you. It will only enhance your experience of taste.

Try these recipes or try experimenting your own ways of recipe making. The good  thing about experiments is that they teach us a lot without any disappointments.

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How to Grow Carom Plants At Home

One can grow carom plants at the time of summer. Summer is the most favourable season for their growth. The sunlight that it requires is for 2 to 4 hours.


In cold temperatures it required extreme care and covering along with protection. From the period of February to October one can grow this plant.

Over watering should be avoided and one can give water at roots only when it looks dry. 

Tips to plant it-

  • Take the plant and settle its soil in the pot.
  • Make sure that soil is of garden soil or compost.
  • Make a surface in soil to keep the cutting of plants in it.
  • Once it is settled you can make it smooth and firm with your hands.
  • Now simply sprinkle the water on it.
  • Avoid placing in direct sunlight.

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Like this one can grow this plant and one can have all the benefits of a carom plant at home. The seeds contain numerous benefits that are shown here.

Select a favourite pot of yours and boost the digestive process of yours with ajwain seeds. This would really be of great help. Plants are our best friends as a little  care  provided to them can lead to  many other benefits.

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