
Ayurvedic Medicines & Home Remedies for Constipation

People of all ages might experience digestive issues, including constipation. Infrequent or difficult bowel motions can cause pain, bloating, and an overall sense of uneasiness. While laxatives are accessible without a prescription, many people would rather try a more natural approach.

Because of its comprehensive nature, Ayurveda medicine provides a number of treatments for an all-too-common condition. In this detailed tutorial, we’ll look at what causes constipation, why it’s so difficult to treat, and how to treat it with Ayurvedic medication and at-home cures.

Constipation: What You Need to Know

As the faeces in the colon gets dry and hard, it can be difficult to evacuate, a condition known as constipation. A low-fiber diet, dehydration, inactivity, certain medicines, and emotional stress are all potential causes.

Constipation_ What You Need to Know

Constipation is said to be the result of an imbalance of Vata in Ayurveda. One of the three doshas (or bio-energetic forces) that control human physiology, as described by Ayurveda. Constipation can result from a disruption in the digestive process when Vata is out of whack.

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Constipation causes issues like

  • Stools that don’t move too much (typically less than three times a week)
  • Having trouble defecating
  • Always straining when passing gas
  • A sense of being unable to fully evacuate
  • Discomfort and pain in the belly
  • Constipation is treated in Ayurveda by restoring Vata dosha balance and removing any underlying causes. You may treat and prevent constipation using the following Ayurveda and home remedy options.

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Constipation Treatments from Ayurveda


Triphala is an Ayurveda formula used to relieve constipation. Amalaki (Indian gooseberry), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki make up this fruit medley (Terminalia chebula).


The moderate laxative and digestive effects of these fruits are well-known. Digestive health, regular bowel habits, and colon cleanliness are all enhanced by the use of triphala.

Methods of Application:

  • Before night, have a cup of warm liquid (milk or water) and a half to a full teaspoon of the Triphala powder.
  • Triphala is also available in capsule or tablet form.
  • Castor Oil (Erand Taila) is an excellent Ayurveda treatment for infrequent constipation. It acts as a lubricant, making bowel motions easier since the faeces is less difficult to pass. Castor oil can be beneficial, but it must be used sparingly since too much of it might cause stomach upset and diarrhoea.

You can also look at bhringraj powder.

Castor Oil 

Castor Oil

  • In the morning, on an empty stomach, consume 1–2 teaspoons of castor oil.
  • Castor oil may be helpful for constipation, but you should go to an Ayurveda doctor first.
  • Psyllium Seed Hull (Isabgol)
  • Because of its high fibre content, psyllium husk may help alleviate constipation. It increases the stool’s density and makes it less difficult to pass. You can get psyllium husk at most health food stores, and it won’t be difficult to work into your diet.

Psyllium Husk Instructions:

  • To make psyllium husk powder, combine 1–2 tablespoons with 8 ounces of warm water or milk.
  • Take this concoction before night.
  • Vera Aloe
  • The healing and calming effects of aloe vera are well-documented. Moreover, it has modest laxative properties that aid with intestinal regularity. Constipation can be relieved with the use of aloe vera juice in a gentle and all-natural approach.

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Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

  • Aloe vera gel, fresh off the plant, can be mixed with two to three teaspoons of liquid.
  • Morning on an empty stomach is the best time to consume this concoction.
  • Dandelion Tea Another Ayurvedic cure for constipation is dandelion root tea. Constipation may be alleviated due to its beneficial effects on the liver and digestion.

Dandelion Tea: How to Use It

  • Prepare a cup of dandelion root tea by letting a tea bag steep in boiling water for 5-10 minutes.
  • You may have this tea either before or after a meal.
  • Constipation Home Remedies
  • There are several natural ways to treat constipation, including Ayurveda drugs and home treatments.


Constipation often results from not drinking enough water. Stool softening and regular bowel movements can be helped by drinking enough of water throughout the day. Drink eight or more glasses of water every day.

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High-Fiber Diet

Maintaining regular and healthy bowel motions requires a diet high in fibre. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are all great sources of fibre that should be incorporated into your regular diet. These are a few examples of high-fiber foods:

High-Fiber Diet

  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Prunes
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach\sOats
  • Black rice
  • Lentils
  • Tea made from ginger root has been shown to have beneficial effects on digestion and inflammation. Ginger tea is traditionally used to aid digestion and relieve constipation.

Here is wheat grass powder.

Ginger Tea Recipe

Fresh ginger should be sliced and thrown into a cup of steaming water. Tea is ready to be consumed after steeping for 5-10 minutes. Caraway Seeds In Ayurveda, fennel seeds are often used as a digestive aid.

Constipation and abdominal distention can be eased with their use. After eating, try chewing a teaspoon of fennel seeds or making a cup of fennel tea by steeping the seeds in hot water.

Preparing Fennel Tea

Take a cup of boiling water and soak a teaspoon of fennel seeds in it for 5-10 minutes. Massage of the Abdomen If you’re experiencing constipation, try massaging your stomach in a clockwise motion to encourage waste to flow through your colon. For this massage, try using warm, all-natural oils like sesame or castor. Here’s what you should do to give yourself a massage:

  • Bend your knees and lie on your back.
  • Smear some heated oil on your palms.
  • Spend 5-10 minutes massaging your stomach gently in a clockwise round.
  • Exercising and Yoga
  • Constipation may be avoided and digestion improved with regular exercise. Constipation may be a real pain, but there are several yoga postures that might help. Consider doing some yoga, such the Wind-Relieving Position (Pavanamuktasana) or the Child’s Pose (Malasana) (Garland Pose).

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Churna Triphala

Triphala, as was previously established, is a potent Ayurveda treatment for constipation. Triphala churna (powder) may be used to make a straightforward home remedy:

Churna Triphala

Triphala Churna: How to Use It at Home

  • In a glass of hot water, dissolve 1–2 tablespoons of Triphala churna.
  • Drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach after letting it sit overnight.
  • Alcohol with Lemon
  • Drinking a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning can help with digestion and prevent or treat constipation. Lemon juice’s high citric acid content has been shown to aid detoxification and stimulate bowel movement.

Preparing a Glass of Lemon Water

  • Half a lemon’s worth of juice should be added to a glass of hot water.
  • Morning on an empty stomach is the best time to consume this.
  • Curbing the Odor of Constipation

The best course of action is preventative care

The following lifestyle and dietary measures will help you avoid constipation and keep your digestive system healthy:

  • Consume a wide range of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes to meet your daily fibre needs and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Keep your stools soft and simple to pass by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Eating at the same times every day might help keep your digestive system in check, so try to stick to a routine.
  • Restrict your consumption of processed foods; eating too many of them might cause constipation. Reduce how often you eat or drink these things.
  • In order to better digest your meal, try practising mindful eating by giving each mouthful your full attention.
  • Eat more avocados, almonds, and seeds to get the good fats that assist keep the digestive tract moving smoothly.
  • Keeping active with activities like brisk walking and yoga might aid digestion.
  • Reduce your stress levels; they may be causing your constipation. Do things like meditate and take some deep breaths to calm down.
  • Pay attention to your physical needs: Listen to your body and go to the toilet when you feel the need to.

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Ayurvedic medicine and home remedies provide natural and holistic treatments to ease and prevent constipation, which may be painful and disruptive to everyday life.

Improve your digestive health and general well-being by balancing Vata dosha and removing the underlying causes of constipation. If your constipation persists or worsens, it may be an indication that you need to see a doctor or an Ayurveda practitioner.

If you take the appropriate approach and make some changes to your lifestyle, you may keep your bowel motions regular and healthy, making your life much more pleasant and productive.

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