Pregnancy is a piece of great news for the whole family, a time of excess enjoyment, and excitement but at the same time, it’s the most crucial period for the health of the mother.
During the first trimester ( 3 months) of your pregnancy, you surely might be having a lot of questions regarding your foetus and your health. The gender of your baby also keeps bothering you and also some other details regarding pregnancy remain like a mystery.
During pregnancy, there is a test taken called the double marker pregnancy test in which your blood sample is taken for further analysis and it helps the doctors to detect if there are any deviations in your foetus.
When pregnant a woman goes through a test known as the double marker test or also known as the do-all market test which means a screening test of the maternal serum. Generally, this test is formed during the incubation period.
The double marker test is done to scan the amount of a pregnancy hormone known as the chorionic gonadotropin and also the plasma protein which is pregnancy-associated in the erythrocytes.
This test is not advisable for every female but especially for females who are above the age of 35 as there’s more chance of a risk of delivering a low syndrome baby. There’s another test known as the nuchal translucency (NT)which is in correspondence with the double marker test.
These two tests confirm the diagnosis of genetic deformation.