Home » Leukaemia Treatment Cost in India | Best Doctors for Leukaemia Treatment

Leukaemia Treatment Cost in India | Best Doctors for Leukaemia Treatment

by Dev Pawar

Our body has blood forming tissues and in leukaemia it gets affected. It is cancer that affects the blood forming tissues. Leukaemia is of different types and its symptoms vary accordingly. On the basis of age too it varies. It affects children and older adults.

White blood cells are produced in numerous counts but they are not functional enough to work properly in leukaemia. It is necessary to have better treatment for reducing the complications associated with leukaemia. One needs to have better insight upon it.

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This blog will help in knowing the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment cost of leukaemia in india. Read the sections and know everything that you need to know about this type of cancer.

Introduction Leukaemia Treatment

Introduction Leukaemia Treatment

Symptoms of leukaemia

The symptoms of leukaemia are to be known and it is important to pay attention to it. The symptoms vary according to stage but the most common symptoms are shared as follows.

Symptoms of leukaemia

  • Patients may experience fever along with chills.
  • Bleeding occurs very easily.
  • Nosebleeds can be frequent.
  • Pain in bones may happen.

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  • Infections may occur.
  • Weakness is felt.
  • The lymph nodes get swollen.
  • Liver enlargement also happens.
  • Tenderness in bones.

Noting and observing signs is good as it can help in good diagnosis. Early diagnosis can be more effective than late one.

Types of leukaemia

There are many types and one can know about them in this section. You can read the types of leukaemia that are shared as follows.

Types of leukaemia

  • Acute myelogenous leukaemia is a type that happens in adults and children. This is a common type.
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is a type that happens slowly. The symptoms may take years to show.
  • Acute lymphocytic leukaemia is a type that happens in younger adults.
  • Hairy cell leukaemia is a rare type.
  • Myeloproliferative disorder and other types are rare too.

A doctor can help in identifying the type of lumia and the detection can help in accurate treatment.

Diagnosis of leukaemia.

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Diagnosing leukaemia is the first step and it is done under supervision of a specialist. The methods of diagnosing leukaemia are shared as follows.

  • Physical tests can be performed by a doctor in which lymph nodes, spleen enlargement are considered.
  • Blood tests are the most common way of diagnosing leukaemia. In this the white blood cells count is checked.
  • In a bone marrow test the sample is taken and then diagnosis is done.

The mode of diagnosing leukaemia differs and one needs to consult a specialist doctor for better diagnosis.

Treatment of Leukaemia

The treatment of leukaemia differs according to the specific needs of the patient. The stage and type of cancer are other important things that matter while treatment is given.

Treatment of Leukaemia

The main methods of treating leukaemia are shared as follows

  • Drug method that is known as chemotherapy is one of the most widely used treatments and it is given to treat leukaemia along with other types of cancer.

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  • In targeted therapy the specific cells are targeted and they help in getting recovered from abnormalities.
  • High range beams are used to stop the growth of cancer cells. A large machine is used in this procedure.
  • Stem cell transplant is also done which is quite costly.

These methods are common methods that are used in treating leukaemia.

Complications of leukaemia

The complications of leukaemia are many and in long terms it can affect the physical life. The complications of leukaemia are-

  • Heart related problems.
  • Cancer of other forms can occur.
  • Cognition related issues.
  • Bones can get thin.
  • Fertility related issues.
  • Diabetes.

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The complications are many and that is why one needs to take proper treatment.

Risk factors of leukaemia

Risk factors of leukaemia

Specific people can be more prone to leukaemia and many risk factors are present that make people susceptible to this. The main risk factors are shared as follows.

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  • Chemical exposure is considered a risk factor of leukaemia and it can be more in those people who work in industries.
  • Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for leukaemia.
  • One can have some genetics related issue that can trigger the chances of having leukaemia.
  • If an individual has been exposed to some other forms of cancer before then also it can be considered as a risk factor.

Taking care of risk factors is important as they can help in understanding it better.

Side effects of leukaemia treatment

Side effects of leukaemia can occur along with the side effects of long treatment of cancer. Chemotherapy can trigger a lot of changes in skin and hairs. Medications or drugs can have side effects like-

  • Drowsiness may occur.
  • Pain in specific areas.
  • Weakness.
  • Headache may be felt.
  • Appetite issues.

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Side effects may vary according to treatment.

Prognosis of leukaemia

Leukaemia is a type of cancer that occurs in blood forming tissues. It is best to get early diagnosis for better treatment and recovery. The types may differ and symptoms vary according to them.

Prognosis of leukaemia

Accurate treatment and lifestyle modifications can enhance the lifespan. Lifestyle modifications at an early age are to be taken to avoid these conditions.

Pre or post care of leukaemia

The pre or post care of leukaemia is to be done properly. The points mentioned below can help in knowing the pre or post care.

  • Smoking is to be avoided.
  • Workers who work in chemical industries should opt for proper measures.
  • Early diagnosis is to be done after noticing symptoms.
  • After treatment one should live a healthy life.
  • Good diet is to be included.

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  • Proper medical checkups are to be done.

In these ways one can take care after or before leukaemia.

Treatment Cost of Leukaemia

The treatment of Leukaemia in India is generally high and it needs specialist doctors. The approximate range of treatment in India for Leukaemia is Rs 10,00,000 to Rs 22,00,000.

Treatment Cost of Leukaemia

Best hospitals are to be contacted for better results. Take proper measures and follow instructions of the doctor for better recovery.

Changes in lifestyle can help in recovery too. Contact the best doctors in India for getting treated for Leukaemia. Go through the best mode of treatment.

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