Home » Glioblastoma Treatment Cost in India | Best Doctors for Glioblastoma Treatment

Glioblastoma Treatment Cost in India | Best Doctors for Glioblastoma Treatment

by Dev Pawar

A healthy life brings a lot of good opportunities but unfortunately some people suffer from ill health. Disease of various kinds can cause different symptoms.

Although cancer patients are now getting better treatment, some types of cancer can bring more harm and difficulty. Glioblastoma is a type of cancer that starts forming in the spinal cord or brain.

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Astrocytes are cells that support the functioning of nerve cells. With growth of astrocytes this type of cancer is formed. One needs to know about the diagnosis and treatment of glioblastoma. This blog will help you in getting insight into glioblastoma. It is also known as brain glioma.

Introduction Glioblastoma Treatment

The following sections can be checked for knowing about symptoms, compilation etc of glioblastoma. Treatment of glioblastoma in India is also shared in the following sections.

Introduction Glioblastoma Treatment

Symptoms of Glioblastoma

The symptoms associated with glioblastoma are shared in this section and they might vary from one person to another. The symptoms are shared as follows.

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  • Headaches are a common symptom of this. One may suffer from severe headaches. The headaches may get worse over time and it may affect more when a person lays down. They can be associated with nausea.
  • Seizures are also one of the symptoms associated with glioblastoma. They may happen frequently. They can be linked with numbness too.
  • Changes in thinking and personality are related to this. Depression, anxiety are related to this.
  • One may suffer from loss of balance and coordination.
  • Breathing rate and pulse changes are related to it.

Symptoms of Glioblastoma

All these are symptoms of glioblastoma. It is better to identify them at earliest possible and to diagnose it properly.

Types of Glioblastoma

The types of glioblastoma are shared and you can check the types of glioblastoma that are shared as follows.

  • Primary glioblastoma is a type of glioblastoma that is seen in 90 percent of patients. The speed of this type of cancer is very fast and it can lead to low life expectancy.

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  • Secondary glioblastoma is a type of glioblastoma that is low in speed and is caused in the frontal lobe of the brain.

Diagnosis of Glioblastoma

Diagnosis of glioblastoma is shared in this section. Many different tests are performed for diagnosing glioblastoma. The diagnosis can be done by-

  • Tests like CT scan can be performed for diagnosis of glioblastoma. One can undergo an MRI too for getting diagnosed. Positron emission tomography can be done.
  • By removing a sample of tissue from the affected area and then sending that tissue for lab testing is a procedure termed as biopsy and it is done to diagnose glioblastoma.
  • Tests like hearing test, vision test, balance test, etc are performed for diagnosing.

Doctors may tell the patient about the diagnosis of this and the method of diagnosing may vary according to patients.

Treatment of Glioblastoma

Many different types of treatments are performed by medical health professionals for treating glioblastoma.

Treatment of Glioblastoma

The symptoms may decrease during the recovery stage. The different treatment methods are shared as follows.

  • The most known treatment for glioblastoma is surgery. A neurosurgeon may perform surgery to remove the tumour. Glioblastoma occurs in healthy tissue and some cancer cells may still be left after surgery. Other treatments are done later for removal of tumour or left cancerous cells.
  • Radiation therapy is an effective treatment too. In this treatment the powerful energy beams are used to kill the cancer cells. Radiation therapy can be combined with chemotherapy

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  • Chemotherapy is a well known treatment of cancer and some certain types of pills are given to patients. The chemicals are responsible for killing the cancerous cells. Although side effects are related to this type of treatment.
  • Tumour treating fields is a treatment in which an electrical field is created and it is used to kill the cancer cells and it is helpful to stop them from multiplying.
  • Supportive care is care which focuses upon reducing pain and symptoms associated with cancer.

Complication of Glioblastoma

Complications associated with glioblastoma are shared as follows-

  • If the cancer is left untreated then it can spread to other body parts too.
  • Body may behave differently due to treatment procedures.
  • Side effects of chemicals are related to this.
  • One may feel weakness.

Prognosis of Glioblastoma

Glioblastoma is treated with the treatment methods like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc.

Risk factor of Glioblastoma

The symptoms can be handled with good treatment methods but there is no permanent cure for glioblastoma.

Good treatment is possible at early detection. Other supportive care is good for patients. Mood disorders or physical symptoms are hard to deal with but with good help and support a patient can get good recovery.

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Many types of complications are associated with glioblastoma. The risk factors are shared in the following section.

Risk factor of Glioblastoma

Risk factors of glioblastoma are shared in this section. The risk factors are-

  • Exposure to certain chemicals  including pesticides etc can be a risk factor.
  • Previous cancer treatments or some radiation therapy can be a risk factor too.
  • Genetics can play a great role in this.
  • Turcot syndrome can be a risk factor too.

Risk factor of Glioblastoma

Side effects of Glioblastoma

Side effects can vary according to patients. The side effects are-

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  • Loss of vision.
  • Loss of mental ability.
  • Lowered quality of life.
  • Exposure to radiation can cause difficulties.
  • Mental problems like depression and anxiety.
  • Physical changes.

Pre/post care of Glioblastoma

One can take care by noticing the pre or post care tips.

  • Eat a good diet and follow a good healthy routine.
  • Stay away from alcohol.
  • A medical follow up checkup should be done.

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  • Drugs or medicines are to be taken on time.
  • Psychotherapy can help with mental problems.

Treatment Cost of Glioblastoma

Treatment Cost of Glioblastoma

Good number of treatments are available in India and one can take help from medical professionals. The tools and equipment can help in recovery.

The cost may vary according to location. Surgery is the best treatment for glioblastoma in India. It can take place in between Rs 2,50,000 to Rs 7,50,000. You should consult a good doctor.

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