Home » Leucoderma Treatment Cost in India | Best Doctors for Leucoderma Treatment

Leucoderma Treatment Cost in India | Best Doctors for Leucoderma Treatment

by Dev Pawar

Leucoderma is a skin condition that causes white patches to appear on the skin. Leucoderma, likewise named vitiligo, is a typical skin problem influencing a percent or a greater amount of the total populace.

It is a troubling skin illness wherein the victim creates white patches on the face, hands, legs, and different regions of the body because of the progressive loss of the shade melanin from the skin layers.

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The condition can be humiliating, particularly for individuals who have a brown complexion, as these white patches look very terrible.

Leucoderma Introduction

The exact cause is unknown. This issue essentially happens when the skin quits delivering melanin, a skin color that safeguards the skin from cruel sun radiations. 

Leucoderma Introduction

Consequently, areas of the skin lacking this pigment begin to appear white.

Leucoderma v/s Vitiligo

Vitiligo and leucoderma are both described by broad white patches over the skin and offer numerous comparative side effects.

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Because of comparable qualities, a few researchers even propose that vitiligo is a type of leucoderma. To date, there is no scientific evidence to support that.

  • In vitiligo, the victim encounters on-going loss of pigmentation, while in the event of leucoderma, a definitive loss of pigmentation is noticed.
  • Leucoderma stringently happens following an actual injury (like inadvertent cuts, openness to the hurtful substance at work environment, consumes, and ulcers).
    Then again, vitiligo is predominantly set off via immune system conditions, hormonal changes, repetitive episodes of jaundice or typhoid fever, intense profound injury, and delayed anti-infection therapies.
    It is trusted that, now and again, the resistant framework erroneously annihilates the melanocytes (the cells answerable for pigmentation) in the skin.
    Numerous specialists solidly accept that the melanocytes obliterate themselves.
    Some people even believe that vitiligo can be caused by eating green vegetables that have been treated with pesticides or insecticides, sunburn, emotional distress, taking a lot of immune-suppressants, eating strange food combinations, eating junk food often, and not keeping clean.
  • Vitiligo typically affects areas of the body that are frequently exposed to the sun, like the hands, face, and neck, while leucoderma doesn’t adhere to such guidelines. It begins spreading from the cut and the core of the scar.
  • Certain medications that even out skin tone can improve the appearance of vitiligo patches on the skin. In the event of serious leucoderma, a patient is encouraged to de-shade the unaffected skin with skin medications to give the skin an even tone.
    Monobenzone, mequinol, or hydroquinone might be utilized to give the skin an even tone. Individuals who go through this technique should stay away from serious sun-related burns and melanomas.
  • The trademark white patches in leucoderma are firmly limited on the skin, contrasted with vitiligo.

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  • In numerous vitiligo cases, patches are smooth and white on the skin. The majority of them at Leukoderma are white.

Leucoderma v/s Vitiligo


  • Alopecia or loss of hair
  • Premature graying of hair
  • Along with skin, the hair growing on the affected skin also turns white
  • Sensitivity towards cold
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Skin irritation when exposed to sun’s rays or chemicals

Autoimmune diseases

  • Vitiligo
  • Lichen sclerosus
  • Systemic sclerosis
  • Morphoea


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  • Severe skin disease — atopic dermatitisallergic contact dermatitisStevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis
  • Infection — herpes zoster
  • Burns and other injuries
  • Procedures — cryotherapychemical peelslaser treatment

Chemical leukoderma including occupational and contact leucoderma Drug-induced vitiligo (leukoderma).


Congenital patterned leukoderma

  • Piebaldism
  • Waardenburg syndrome


  • Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis
  • Halo naevus
  • Melanomaassociated leukoderma
  • Onchocerciasis – ‘leopard skin’ appearance

Other than white spots or patches on the skin, this disorder appears strange and harmless.

Typically, the whiteness of the skin begins with small white or brown spots that either grow in size or gradually appear around the first area of discoloration or in other parts of the body.

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The white or hypo-pigmented skin is margined or framed by dim or hyper-pigmented outlines. These spots may spread throughout the body slowly or very quickly.

Treatment of Leucoderma

Natural Remedies

  • Psoralea (babchi) seeds saturated with ginger juice for 2 – 3 days. The juice ought to be restored everyday, and the seeds, subsequent to eliminating the husks, ought to be dried in shade and afterward powdered.
    Having one gram of this powder with some new milk for oneself and a half months can be valuable in treating this condition. You can likewise take a stab at scouring the powder on the white patches.
  • The patient ought to roll out sound dietary improvements, such as staying away from tea, espresso, cocktails, all sauces and exceptionally enhanced dishes, sugar, white flour items, denatured cereals, as cleaned rice and pearled grain, and canned or packaged food varieties.
    Likewise, eating a sound adjusted diet containing seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and natural products is likewise valuable in diminishing the dangers of having this skin problem.
  • The goosefoot vegetable ought to be consumed two times every day, morning and night, for quite a long time reliably. 

Treatment of Leucoderma

Other remedy is homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy offers a decent improvement for white patches by turning the patches dull to typical skin tone, and keeping additional white fixes or spots from happening.

Nonetheless, the course and achievement basically relies on the seriousness of the condition, i.e., the span, degree, and the patient’s helplessness towards the patches.

Aside from this, there are a few home cures that are likewise helpful in working on the condition.

Other treatments include

  • Sun protection
  • Cosmetic camouflage
  • Treatment of an associated or underlying cause

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Surgery — melanocyte grafting.


A dermatologist must do a comprehensive examination to diagnose leucoderma. The look of the skin and any reported symptoms are typically used to make a diagnosis. A medical history evaluation may also be performed in order to detect potential triggers or underlying issues. 

A skin biopsy may be conducted in certain situations to confirm the absence of melanocytes in the afflicted regions. A Wood’s lamp examination can also be performed to determine the level of depigmentation under UV light.


Leucoderma has an influence on a person’s mental well-being and self-esteem in addition to physical changes. 


While the illness is not life-threatening, dealing with its psychological effects is an important part of treatment. Individuals with leucoderma may feel self-conscious, especially if the patches are visible on exposed skin.

Risk Factors:

Leucoderma can be caused by a number of reasons, including:

Genetics: Family history has a role, since those who have a family member with leucoderma are at a higher risk.

Autoimmune illnesses: Having other autoimmune disorders raises your chances of acquiring leucoderma.

Triggers: Stress, chemical exposure, and skin traumas can all cause or aggravate the disease.

Side Effects:

Certain leucoderma treatments may have the following negative effects:

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Topical corticosteroids: Prolonged usage may cause skin thinning, stretch marks, and color changes.

Phototherapy: Excessive exposure to UV radiation can raise the risk of sunburn and other skin problems.

Pre / Post Care:

Individuals can take the following strategies to properly control their leucoderma:

Pre / Post Care:

Emotional help: Seek counseling or join a support group to deal with the emotional consequences of leucoderma.

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Frequent checkups: Schedule frequent check-ups with a dermatologist to evaluate the condition’s development and alter therapy as required.

Leucoderma Treatment Cost

The cost of leucoderma therapy can vary greatly depending on criteria such as the kind of treatment, the level of depigmentation, geographical location, and the healthcare provider chosen. 

Leucoderma Treatment Cost

It is critical to speak with a dermatologist to explore treatment choices and related expenses, as well as potential coverage through insurance.

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