Home » Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Cost in India | Best Doctors for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Cost in India | Best Doctors for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

by Dev Pawar

Erectile dysfunction is associated with many causes. One may suffer from this due to many reasons. It is necessary to identify the underlying cause of erectile dysfunction.

It is a condition in which a man can not have enough erection.This may affect an individual psychologically and the relationship may get bothered too.

It is advised to consult a doctor for getting a proper diagnosis. If left untreated then the sexual pleasure may get affected and one may feel discomfort in mental health too.

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Let us discuss the symptoms and types of erectile dysfunction and the possible treatment plans for this. All of these are shared as follows.

Introduction Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Symptoms related to erectile dysfunction are shared as follows. Although symptoms may vary but most common symptoms are shared as follows-

Introduction Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

  • Difficulty in having an erection during sexual intercourse.
  • Inability to have an erection.
  • Not being able to maintain erection.
  • Much intense stimulation required for erection.
  • Only having erection sometimes.

Types of erectile dysfunction

The most common types of erectile dysfunction are shared as follows-

  • Vascular erectile dysfunction is the most common form in which the blood vessels that supply blood to penis get affected and it affects the erection.

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  • Neurogenic erectile dysfunction is caused by the nerve problems and problems in brain signalling that may affect the erection in penis. Radiation therapy or stroke along with other traumas can cause this.
  • Testosterone deficiency can be termed as hormonal erectile dysfunction. The fluctuation may cause this.
  • Psychological conditions can cause erectile dysfunction too.

All these were types of erectile dysfunction. Different Treatments are available for treating them.

Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction

Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction can be done via many different forms. One may be asked questions regarding health conditions or chronic health issues.

The ways in which it can be diagnosed are as follows-

Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction

  • Blood tests are used for determining the conditions like diabetes etc and other ailments are also detected.
  • Urine tests are performed to check health problems so that a better outlook can be observed.
  • Ultrasound helps to detect the blood flow to the penis and also a video imaging helps in determining any blood flow issues.

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  • Psychological assessment is also performed and one may be asked about any mental distress.

All these are ways in which erectile dysfunction is diagnosed. After the confirmed diagnosis one may get the treatment.

Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

Depending upon the condition or cause of erectile dysfunction one may get the treatment. Treatment varies according to people.

The ways of treating erectile dysfunction are as follows-

  • Oral medications like viagra, stendra are advised for the nitric oxide flow to penis. It helps in erection after sexual stimulation. 
  • Alprostadil self injection is also used for the treatment.
  • Alprostadil urethral suppository is used in which alprostadil suppository is placed in penis in the penile urethra. It helps in erection. The side effects may include some bleeding.
  • Testosterone replacement therapies are used.
  • Penile implants are used for treatment purposes.

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The treatment options are many but it depends upon the condition of the individual.

Complications of erectile dysfunction

There are many possible complications of erectile dysfunction and main of these are-

Complications of erectile dysfunction

  • Sexual dissatisfaction.
  • It can bring relationship issues.
  • It can bring stress.
  • Low self esteem is associated with this.
  • A sense of embarrassment may accompany 
  • Other medical conditions may happen.

Prognosis of erectile dysfunction

One may get the proper treatment of erectile dysfunction after consulting a good doctor. The main causes and their identification can help in getting suitable treatment.

The treatment options may vary and they may depend upon the condition of the individual. Proper diet management and weight management can help in getting overall functionality.

Prognosis of erectile dysfunction

Cardiovascular health is to be taken care of and exercise related to it are to be performed for good blood supply.

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Habits like smoking and alcohol consumption needs to be avoided too.

Side effects of erectile dysfunction

There are many side effects that are associated with treatment of erectile dysfunction. The side effects may vary according to treatment.

Oral medications may have following side effects-

  • Flushing
  • Nasal congestion
  • Visual changes
  • Backache
  • Stomach upset

Implant treatment may have side effects such as –

  • Pain.
  • Bleeding.
  • Discomfort.

It is required to pay attention to the side effects and to consult a doctor if the side effects are becoming very troublesome. A doctor may help by providing proper guidance.

Risk factors of erectile dysfunction

Risk factor associated with erectile dysfunction are shared as follows-

Risk factors of erectile dysfunction

  • Low testerone.
  • Radiation therapy is a risk factor associated with erectile dysfunction.
  • Penile fracture is a risk factor.
  • Individuals having injuries to pelvis bone or spinal cord may be a risk factor.
  • Other medical conditions can also be a great risk factor of having erectile dysfunction.

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These are some possible risk factors associated with erectile dysfunction and one may consult a doctor by sharing all the medical conditions.

Pre or post care of erectile dysfunction

In some ways it can be prevented and the ways are as follows-

Pre or post care of erectile dysfunction

  • Maintaining a good and healthy weight can help in avoiding this condition.
  • Improving diet and including fruits in diet may help.
  • A good cholesterol level is to be maintained.
  • Smoking needs to be avoided.
  • After the treatment a check on side effects is to be done.
  • Consultation from a doctor is to be taken properly.
  • Exercises are to be performed daily.
  • Medications are to be taken on regular times.

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All these are ways in which care can be taken for erectile dysfunction.

Treatment Cost of Erectile Dysfunction

Penile implants are done and are considered the best surgical procedures to treat erectile dysfunction.

Treatment Cost of Erectile Dysfunction

The cost of treatment of erectile dysfunction in India  may vary according to the surgeon and one may have to pay charges accordingly.

Penile implants have a great life span and now it is mostly considered as a good option. The components of penile implants enable men to have an erection whenever they want.

It is good to opt for a penile implant and to avoid the discomfort of erectile dysfunction.

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