Home » Cml Treatment Cost in India | Best Doctors for Cml Treatment

Cml Treatment Cost in India | Best Doctors for Cml Treatment

by Dev Pawar

Full form of Cml in medical terms is chronic myelogenous leukaemia. It is also known as chronic myeloid leukaemia. It is a very uncommon type of leukaemia. It is slower than other types of leukaemia. It is mostly found in older people. Today we will discuss its symptoms and treatment.

Cml can be diagnosed and people can live for years after getting the accurate treatment. Earlier diagnosis can help a lot in better recovery. Chronic myelogenous leukaemia happens in the bone marrow. It is the type of cancer that is the most uncommon type .

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Cml causes an increase in white blood cells. Let us start discussing its symptoms.

Introduction Cml Treatment

Chronic myelogenous leukaemia has some symptoms that are discussed in this section.

Introduction Cml Treatment

Patient suffering from cml can have following symptoms-

  • Blurry vision can occur.
  • Bleeding in the back of the eye may occur too.
  • Pain in the ribs may occur too.
  • Fullness on the left side may be felt.
  • Fever may also occur in people suffering from cml.
  • Loss of appetite may happen.
  • Fatigueness is also associated with it.
  • Pain in the bone may happen.
  • Bleeding.

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All these are symptoms associated with chronic myeloid leukaemia.

Types of leukaemia

Let us start discussing various types of leukaemia.

The main types of leukaemia are as follows-

Types of leukaemia

  • Acute lymphocytic leukaemia is the common type and can spread quickly to other parts of the body. It starts in the lymphoid cells in the bone marrow. It can spread to the spleen , lymph nodes, livers etc.
  •  Acute myelogenous leukaemia is a common type in adults. It starts in myeloid cells in bone marrow. It can spread to the spleen , liver or lymph nodes.
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is slow growing leukaemia. It starts in lymphoid cells in bone marrow.
  • Chronic myelogenous leukaemia. It is slow and symptoms may take time to appear.

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All these were a few main types of leukaemia.

Diagnosis of cml

Diagnosis of cml can be done via various exams and blood tests.

The tests are discussed as below-

  • Complete blood cells test to detect the white blood cell count. Wbc increased along with other forms can help in detecting that.
  • Bone marrow biopsy can be performed to diagnose chronic myeloid leukaemia.
  • The presence of chromosomes named philadelphia can be detected.
  • Platelet count can be checked too.

With help of all these things one can detect chronic myelogenous leukaemia. It is advised to consult a doctor as soon as an individual feels any of the symptoms.

Treatment of Cml

Treatment like medications or bone marrow transplant are known for treating cml. Stem cell transplant is also known.

Treatment of Cml

The treatment may vary according to the condition of the patient. At the beginning medications are advised.

Chemotherapy may also assist. One needs to consult their doctor for getting the perfect and suitable treatment.

Complications of cml

Complications of cml can happen in cases.

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The complications can be –

  • Blast crisis may occur.
  • Infection may occur.
  • Bleeding may happen.
  • Kidney problems.
  • Fever.
  • Chemotherapy can have other side effects.

All  these were complications associated with chronic myelogenous leukaemia.

One needs to take care and one needs to note down the complications and it is advised to consult a doctor in case the complications worsen.

Prognosis of cml

Although the beginning of treatment is meducations. People may see changes and recovery associated with it. In cases where a blast crisis is considered stem cell transplant may happen.

Prognosis of cml

Bone marrow transplant may also be used. The condition may reoccur again and people may need to go with a transplant option.

Risk factor of cml

Risk factor of chronic myelogenous leukaemia needs to be discussed.

The risk factor associated with cml are-

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  • Older age may be considered as a risk factor. Older people may be at more risk than younger people or children.
  • Males are generally considered to be more prone to cml than women.
  • Radiation therapies for other types of cancer are also linked to cml.
  • Family history is not considered as the risk factor associated with chronic myelogenous kuekamemian.

These were the risk factors associated with chronic myelogenous kuekamiq.

Side effects of cml

Health care providers may provide treatment to chronic phase of cml with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. The usage of TKI may have side effects.

Side effects of tyrosine kinase inhibitors are as follows-

  • Stomach pain may be felt.
  • Fatigueness.
  • Diarrhoea.
  • Edema.
  • Damage to the liver may happen.
  • Lower than normal white blood cells.

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All these are the side effects associated with treatment of cml.

Pre or post care of cml

Chronic myelogenous leukaemia can not be prevented. It is believed that it happens when a gene mutates and the reason for mutation is still not known.

Pre or post care of cml

Although the post care points can be-

  • Take proper follow ups and routine checkups.
  • Take medicines as prescribed.
  • Note and tell your doctor if you feel other symptoms.
  • Take care of your diet.
  • Choose a better and good positive mental attitude.
  • Surround yourself with your loved ones.

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A good mental approach can help in fighting against any disease. Never forget that there is nothing stronger than your own beliefs. Always choose positivity over the pessimistic approach.

Treatment Cost Cml

Treatment cost in India may vary according to the hospital or state. The medications and chemotherapy rates may vary too. The treatment cost of cml in India may depend upon the type of treatment given.

Treatment Cost Cml

Stem cell transplant may range from 10 lakhs to 30 lakhs in India. One may need to consult the best doctor and hospital for getting detailed information about leukaemia treatment options available in India.

The factors that may affect the treatment cost in India may be-

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  • Type and stage of the disease.
  • Treatment options.
  • The regimen of treatment.
  • Healthcare facility.
  • Additional support.
  • Insurance.
  • Other services.

All these factors or things may vary according to individuals and thus the treatment cost of cml in India may vary for all.

It is advised to consult a good healthcare facility for getting accurate and affordable treatment.

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